>Wireless LAN Question<


Wayne B.

I have a LAN (AD Domain, for learning stuff) that I have
setup in my dining room connected by a 5-port switch.
It's to the point that it's gotten a little cluttered, so
I plan on going wireless.

Could someone tell me what hardware I'm going to need to
have this LAN up and running properly. I plan on using
the USB wireless cards as opposed to the PCI NICs. What
would I need for them to see each other? (router, access

Any info or link to set me straight would be much
appreciated. THANKS N ADVANCE. The Rookie/Wayne B.

J.C. Hornbeck [MSFT]

If you've already got everything setup and working using a wired switch then
the transition to a wireless environment will be very straight forward.
Just replace the switch with a wireless access point (WAP) or a wireless
router. Either should work as long as there are enough ports, and if you
don't need the router functionality you can still use a wireless router as a
standard WAP. Then replace the NICs with wireless NICs and as long as the
IP configuration is the same it should work right out of the box. Just make
sure you get this far before you implement any kind of security. When doing
something like this it's always best to take it one step at a time.

J.C. Hornbeck, MCSE
Microsoft Product Support

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