
I'm using WINXP Home and I ordered the SP2 CD last week.
I visited the Windows Update site just recently and SP2
is there to download at 75MB, approx 2 & 1/2 hours to
download. I've read on the NG that the CD size is
260MB+ Why the different sizes and what is the
difference between the two? If I install from the CD
will it install the whole 260MB? Which of the two should
I install? TIA


The install you're referring to is the express installation. It only
downloads the files required to patch your computer up to SP2. The 266Mb
install may be installed on a computer with no patches whatsoever - Not even

Herb Fritatta

Suzy said:
I'm using WINXP Home and I ordered the SP2 CD last week.
I visited the Windows Update site just recently and SP2
is there to download at 75MB, approx 2 & 1/2 hours to
download. I've read on the NG that the CD size is
260MB+ Why the different sizes and what is the
difference between the two? If I install from the CD
will it install the whole 260MB? Which of the two should
I install? TIA

The difference is that Windows Update scans your installation and then
only downloads what's needed. The same thing will happen if you use the
CD--it'll look to see what you've got already (SP1 and post-SP1 updates)
then only install what you don't have. If you don't mind the long
download time, let 'er rip. You'll still have the CD should you ever
need to reinstall.

Jerome M. Katz

The CD contains a complwete installation package which contains
everything any user of any version of Windows XP would nee to upgrade.
The download from Windows Update is tailored to what you have
installed on your computer. The net affect will be the same regardless
of which way you install it. People (including myself) have reported
that the CD arrives in about a week after ordering it. I would suggest
you wait for the CD to avoid the need for the 2 1/2 hour download.



OK thank-you to you and everybody else who answered :)
I don't fancy the download I'll wait for the CD :)

Alex Nichol

Suzy said:
I'm using WINXP Home and I ordered the SP2 CD last week.
I visited the Windows Update site just recently and SP2
is there to download at 75MB, approx 2 & 1/2 hours to
download. I've read on the NG that the CD size is
260MB+ Why the different sizes and what is the
difference between the two? If I install from the CD
will it install the whole 260MB?

The download assesses just what items are needed on the particular
machine, having regard to updates already done, and downloads only those
it sees as needed. which may be as low as 75MB, or as high as 120. The
download is then custom, for that machine only. The CD has everything,
so you can run on as many machines as you need, and keep it against a
reinstall of the system. I would use the CD, especially as you have
already ordered it - delivery seems to be quite quick, despite the
warning, so you can look for it later this week

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