WindowsXP / capturing file names



Hello .. I am not sure if this is the right newsgroup for my question,
apologies if not ... I would like to capture file names in a text file to
use as the source for a list in Excel 2000 ... I can import a text file of
names into Excel, but do not know how to capture the names of the files, and
am trying to avoid typing each one into the list as there are over 200 file
names to be captured.

Couldn't see how Excel could do this, so that's why I'm post here.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Abay said:
Hello .. I am not sure if this is the right newsgroup for my question,
apologies if not ... I would like to capture file names in a text file to
use as the source for a list in Excel 2000 ... I can import a text file of
names into Excel, but do not know how to capture the names of the files, and
am trying to avoid typing each one into the list as there are over 200 file
names to be captured.

Couldn't see how Excel could do this, so that's why I'm post here.

Any help would be much appreciated.


1. Click Start / Run / cmd {OK}
2. Type this command:
cd /d "c:\documents and settings\Abay\..\..\" {Enter}
in order to navigate to the folder where your files
3. Type these commands:
dir /b > c:\dir.txt {Enter}
notepad c:\dir.txt {Enter}


Hello Abay,

If the files are all in the same folder you could try this:

Open Notepad and copy/paste in the two lines below:

@echo off
@dir %1 /-p /b /o:gn > "%temp%\files.txt"

Save the result as files.bat {no default .txt extension}

Place this file in the folder you want the file names for and run it.
It should create a file called files.txt in the folder C:\TEMP or your
designated TEMP folder. If you want to change the location of the
outputted text file, change the end of the second line above to
something like C:\Windows\Temp\files.txt or the path to where you want
to save the output file.

The above will create a simple list of files. If you need more info on
each file also included, post back.


Hello Pegasus & Claymore .. many thanks to both of you for your help, tried
out both suggestions and they work great .. saves a lot of work .. really
appreciate it.


Donald Lessau

Abay said:
Hello .. I am not sure if this is the right newsgroup for my question,
apologies if not ... I would like to capture file names in a text file to
use as the source for a list in Excel 2000 ...

Check out XYplorer (shareware file manager). Quoting from the screenshot
section of the website:

"One click from XYplorer to Excel: Export extended file information of whole
directories to CSV-formatted files. Which means you can save absolutely all
file information that's available on a Windows platform in a well-defined,
easily processable, and widely portable file format. It's the documentation
junkie's wildest dream come true, and another feature only this file manager
has to offer."

Here's the screenshot:


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