Windows Zero Day Flaw


Mike Hall - MS MVP

It can grow all it likes.. I have used IE from the outset and never had a
problem with it.. I use what is best for me, regardless of who produces it..
if everybody did the same and just accepted the fact, there would be no need
for silly arguments of the type the you care to sustain..

Alias said:
I don't participate in hypothetical discussions, sorry. The reason that
OE, Windows Mail and IE are attacked so often is due to their
vulnerability, not popularity. At least you admit that the user base for
Fire Fox and Thunder Bird will grow.



Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User


Mike said:
It can grow all it likes.. I have used IE from the outset and never had
a problem with it.. I use what is best for me, regardless of who
produces it.. if everybody did the same and just accepted the fact,
there would be no need for silly arguments of the type the you care to

No argument to sustain. FF and T-Bird are safer than IE and OE/WinMail.
This is an irrefutable fact. Either read the writing on the wall or don't.


Mike Hall - MS MVP

The writing on the wall is for Firefox if it's popularity gets to be
anywhere close to IE use.. those who seek to find holes have already
started.. Good Luck..

Alias said:
No argument to sustain. FF and T-Bird are safer than IE and OE/WinMail.
This is an irrefutable fact. Either read the writing on the wall or don't.



Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User

Gerard Seibert

The writing on the wall is for Firefox if it's popularity gets to be
anywhere close to IE use.. those who seek to find holes have already
started.. Good Luck..

Once the target gets large enough, everyone will be taking shots at it.
Firefox is all ready becoming a slow, lumbering behemoth. On
identically equipped machines, FF takes way longer than IE to open and
acquire a page. Optimized it is not.

oo // \\ || Gerard
(_,\/ \_/ \ ||
\ \_/_\_/> ||
/_/ \_\ || "If today is the first day of the rest of
___________ || your life, then what was yesterday?"


Gerard said:
Once the target gets large enough, everyone will be taking shots at it.

And miss.
Firefox is all ready becoming a slow, lumbering behemoth. On
identically equipped machines, FF takes way longer than IE to open and
acquire a page. Optimized it is not.

That's because IE loads with Windows and is an integral part of Windows.
Open both of them and take a look in your Task Manager to see which uses
more RAM.

The lame excuse that MS is a de facto monopoly being the reason for
attacks is just that, lame, because the real reason is that MS doesn't
patch when told there are vulnerabilities and because IE and OE are full
of holes.



Mike said:
The writing on the wall is for Firefox if it's popularity gets to be
anywhere close to IE use.. those who seek to find holes have already
started.. Good Luck..

In some countries, it tops 40%. How big a market share would you say it
would take before Fire Fox is built as badly as IE?

YOU use IE. YOU need the luck, not me chum.



NoStop said:
You sound like a stuck record. Same old MickeyMouse FUD. You don't think
anyone believes you anymore? IE is targeted because it's so full of holes
and hence an easy target. Same goes for Windoze.

Stuck record? You've said MickeyMouse how many times?


That's because IE loads with Windows and is an integral part of Windows.
Open both of them and take a look in your Task Manager to see which uses
more RAM.

IExplorer.exe does NOT load with windows. Not by default.

Robert Wolfe

Justin said:
IExplorer.exe does NOT load with windows. Not by default.

Sounds like someone got EXPLORER.EXE confused with something else. :)
However, doesn't explorer.exe share the same DLLs that IE uses? (Sorry for
the sensible question, but figured it was about time to ask one).

Mike Hall - MS MVP


Correct me if I am wrong, but you have both XP and Ubuntu installed.. so
what exactly do you do with your Linux installation? What great use do you
put on it?

If Ubuntu is all that good, why is it not the sole OS on your system? What
do you have against people like me who CHOOSE to run Vista and Office 2007?
Is it because you do not have enough spare cash to do the same?

Why would I switch from an XP/Office 2003 installation, or Vista/Office 2007
installation, both of which fulfill my needs with regards what I do for
here, my local work and spare time enjoyment (games, music, et al), to try
to do essentially the same thing on an OS that is not capable of doing or
running all that I want?

Is it a jealousy thing with you? Does it hurt you if somebody drives by in a
better model vehicle than you have? Do you want to see everybody at the same
level to make everything fair?

One of your favorites is the 'ad hominem' attack, something that you have
perfected and use frequently.. you can say whatever you like to me, and none
of it will make any difference.. if you think for one second that you affect
me or any others who show respect and decency while trying to offer real
help in this or any other MS newsgroup, other than getting us to shake heads
in disbelief, then you are way off the mark.. and that goes for the other
disrupters who visit here..

If you have social issues, go to a discussion group or a medical man and get
them sorted.. this is not the place..

Alias said:
And miss.

That's because IE loads with Windows and is an integral part of Windows.
Open both of them and take a look in your Task Manager to see which uses
more RAM.

The lame excuse that MS is a de facto monopoly being the reason for
attacks is just that, lame, because the real reason is that MS doesn't
patch when told there are vulnerabilities and because IE and OE are full
of holes.



Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User


Justin said:
Oh really? Is this another lie alias? And I quote:

Back peddle away!

Duh! They all will grow. It’s called population growth:

Oh really? And I quote:

Are you a born again Christian, Justin? Where did you get your false
morals? STFU is NOT an insult. When you're perfect, you can then tell
others how their imperfections are bad. Until then, STFU.





Alias said:
Telling someone to shut up is not an insult. Only born again phony
moralists have a problem with curse words.

They why is it every time someone curses at you you cry about being
insulted? More hypocritical crap from alias.

Alias said:
Provide the proof or STFU.

Nice one alias! Not once did Mike insult you and here you are cursing at

I knew his instructions would be to difficult for you so I figured I would
give you a nice easy link to use instead:"Thunderbird+vulnerabilities"


Are you a born again Christian, Justin? Where did you get your false
morals? STFU is NOT an insult. When you're perfect, you can then tell
others how their imperfections are bad. Until then, STFU.

Are you wanting to start a religious war now?

"STFU is NOT an insult."

Again, they why do you cry like a little baby whenever some one uses a curse
word at you? 99.9999999% of the time you throw out the word INSULT when
they do.

You have a lot of explaining to do!


Robert Wolfe said:
Sounds like someone got EXPLORER.EXE confused with something else. :)

However, doesn't explorer.exe share the same DLLs that IE uses? (Sorry
for the sensible question, but figured it was about time to ask one).

Yes it does. If you were to fully shut explorer.exe then it would take
iexplorer.exe with it.


Mike Hall - MS MVP said:

Correct me if I am wrong, but you have both XP and Ubuntu installed.. so
what exactly do you do with your Linux installation? What great use do you
put on it?

If Ubuntu is all that good, why is it not the sole OS on your system? What
do you have against people like me who CHOOSE to run Vista and Office
2007? Is it because you do not have enough spare cash to do the same?

Why would I switch from an XP/Office 2003 installation, or Vista/Office
2007 installation, both of which fulfill my needs with regards what I do
for here, my local work and spare time enjoyment (games, music, et al), to
try to do essentially the same thing on an OS that is not capable of doing
or running all that I want?

Is it a jealousy thing with you? Does it hurt you if somebody drives by in
a better model vehicle than you have? Do you want to see everybody at the
same level to make everything fair?

One of your favorites is the 'ad hominem' attack, something that you have
perfected and use frequently.. you can say whatever you like to me, and
none of it will make any difference.. if you think for one second that you
affect me or any others who show respect and decency while trying to offer
real help in this or any other MS newsgroup, other than getting us to
shake heads in disbelief, then you are way off the mark.. and that goes
for the other disrupters who visit here..

If you have social issues, go to a discussion group or a medical man and
get them sorted.. this is not the place..

I noticed alias choose not to respond. I can! This has been asked before.

The problem alias has with your choice is that are "stupid" (yes, that' a
quote from alias) for even attempting to install and use Vista until SP1 or

The action alone strikes a nerve with alias.

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