Windows XP Hmoe Edition Shut down



Recently my computer will shut down immediately after starting up. I have all Microsoft updates installed along with Norton Systemworks & Internet Security 2004 updates. I check for updates and run system scan at least weekly. I have Microsoft ICF & Norton Firewall on. When I start Norton Ghost on startup, I get bug or hardware failure message. I have reverted to all previous times possible with no change. I cannot get logged on to use system restore. I booted with Norton CD to due virus scan, none were found. Is there any way to check system to find bug or harware failure?

Mike Bright MSP


When your system is shuting down does it give any
warning??. And so it do the same when started in Safe

Mike Bright MCP, MSP


It just states that windows station is shutting down. There is no dialog box about any processes causing shut down or that the computer will shut down in a certain amount of time, which would indicate a worm/virus present. When starting in safe the computer stays on. I can connect to internet & check email. I ran Norton AntiVirus 2004 & found threats. I am trying to run Norton Disk Doctor & Win doctor, but they will not start.

Mike Bright MSP


Are you up-to-date and patched to the lastest patches,
this sounds like the exploit which is recently being


Mike Bright MCP, MSP

e:[email protected]



According to Windows update (I just checked again), I am up to date. The last update according to installation history page was the critical update (KB870669). There are no driver or Windows XP updates either. Norton Systemworks just had an update this morning, last night I checked before system scan and there was no new updates. I am running the virus scan again with no threats found.

I may have been a little unclear in my description of the problem. The computer starts, then it states windows is logging off, then shutting down, as it would if I was shutting down the system.

Mike Bright MSP


This does sound like a strange one, can you logically
write out the step which you are doing, when this
happens, i.e. from when you boot the machine, and note
any dialogs/error which appear, and we can then see if we
can get to the bottom of this.


Mike Bright MCP, MSP

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