Windows XP Administration

  • Thread starter Muhammad Bilal Butt
  • Start date

Muhammad Bilal Butt

Hi there,

I am having a problem with my windows xp professional
edition. I forget the administration password but i am
having another account but it is the limited account and
now i cann't install or remove any software or
application i want to run. Plz give me the solution as i
don't want to format my hard disk and cann't take risk of
reinstalling the windows.

Plz pull me out from this Problem.
Looking forward for your reply.
Email me your answer A.S.A.P on the given email address
in the sender's email option.
Thanks and regards

Kaylene aka Taurarian

1. At the log in screen " ctrl-alt-delete " twice.
2. In the User Account, type Administrator
3. Leave the password blank and press enter.
(Most likely a password wasn't created in this hidden account during setup).
4. Go to Start - Control Panel - User Accounts.
5. Select your name and click change the password.
Then you should be able to change the password, shut down the computer and
restart in normal mode and use the new password you just created.

If you decide to set a password it is recommended that you create a Password
Reset Disk by clicking on "Prevent a Forgotten Password" link in the left pane.
The Wizard will guide you through.;EN-US;321305
How to Log On to Windows XP If You Forget Your Password or Your Password Expires
lists a few more options


Muhammad said:
Hi there,

I am having a problem with my windows xp professional
edition. I forget the administration password but i am
having another account but it is the limited account and
now i cann't install or remove any software or
application i want to run. Plz give me the solution as i
don't want to format my hard disk and cann't take risk of
reinstalling the windows.

Plz pull me out from this Problem.
Looking forward for your reply.
Email me your answer A.S.A.P on the given email address
in the sender's email option.
Thanks and regards

If you know the administrator password is a word that can be found in
the dictionary, *or* if it is under 8 characters long, and you didn't
make any adjustments to how XP stores the LMHASH (if you don't know what
I am talking about than you probably didn't change it) you can extract
the lmhash from the SAM and have your password in no time. if you want
to go that route, let me know here in this newsgroup and i will explain
it to you.


Hi Chris

Kindly explain the route of going the lmhash from the SAM
and have your password as I have not had luck any other



BR said:
Hi Chris

Kindly explain the route of going the lmhash from the SAM
and have your password as I have not had luck any other


can be found in

and you didn't

don't know what

you can extract

time. if you want

i will explain


Windows stores your password in a file called the SAM which is stored in
the WINNT\System32\Oonfig\ directory. You cannot directly access this
file in windows without the help of a utility like PWDUMP2.
Log onto the account that you have access to and go here to get a copy

You will just need to extract the files to a directory and run them from
the command line. When you are at the command line inside the PWDUMP
directory type "pwdump2 > passwd.txt" (without quotes). This will save a
dump of your SAM file into a plain text file called "passwd.txt" in the
same directory you are in. If you open up the text file, you will see
several rows of "hashes" leading with user names. The line you are
concerned with is labeled administrator at the beginning. It will look
like this:


Now that you have your hash, you need to do something with it. There are
several utilities out there to crack NT hashes. The easiest to use (i
think) is available here (30 day demo):

Go there and click on "Download free trial version of PWSEX 1.10".

Install (I havent done it in awhile, but i am fairly certain you can
install this one without administrator rights. If you can't, you will
need to do someone else's computer to do the cracking. Just same the
password dump txt file to a floppy and transfer it to the machine
running PWSEX.

OK. So now you have PWSEX 30 day trial installed and a dump of your SAM.
Time to get crackin'. Fire up PWSEX. You will see a normal windows
interface with a row of icons, another row that says "attack type" and
then a third row that has two tabs: "Hashes" and "Whatever attack type
you have selected". On the hashes tab, select "DUMP FILE", and then
click the "OPEN DUMP FILE" button. Browse to your text file. Open it.
PWSEX will run a quick brute force attack. Unless your password is WAY
weak, it will not get it right away (if it did, you can stop here, your
password will appear in the interface grid). Most likely, it DID NOT get
the password on the quick brute force, so now you need to tick the USERS
in the USER NAME column that you want to try to crack. In the attack
type row select "DICTIONARY ATTACK". Click "DICTIONARY LIST". In the
dictionary list dialog click "ADD". Use "english.dic" that comes with
the program. Make sure you have a user ticked in the Dump list, and then
select (from the menu at the top) Recovery>Start Recovery. You can
choose both LM and NTLM dictionary attacks from the ATTACK TYPE row. If
your password is not found in the dictionary, then you will need to run
a brute force crack. You will need to set parameters like password
length and such (here's a hint: if <empty> is shown in the "Password
[8..14]" column of the user's row, then their password is less than 8
characters long). You should be able to figure out where to go from
here. I'm not going to give a whole lesson in windows cracking here, and
i have given you enough information to retrieve your password, so have
at it.

If you are having problems, feel free to email me (remove "REMOVECAPS"
from my email address) and i will try to help. Have a good day and good


Hi Muhammad,

You can try with the secret question you wrote to remember your password.

At the wellcome screen it apears a question mark "?", click ther and your secret question will apear.

I hope this can help.


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