Windows Movie Maker Freezing Up



Hello to the forum:

Hope I can go into a bit of detail. Thus far all advice
has failed and did not think this would be such a problem
to solve.

What is worse I am an ex-disc jockey and have some
technical know how!!!

Let us say I want to edit John Doe Band Live At anywhere
stadium or a Baseball Highlight.

When I want to edit a clip or clips from Windows Movie
Maker the clips are frozen from 2-8 seconds before they
would play.

For the heck of it I downloaded a freeware Video Editing
program and the same exact thing happens. Frozen for 2-8
seconds before it plays normally.

I have a Gateway 700XL System P4-3.00, 250 GB 1024 Memory
MB. Windows XP Norton Anti Virus/Norton Internet Security
2003 and Windows Firewall all were enabled when I noticed
the problem.

Norton and many people on the internet told me first
disable the Windows XP Firewall and try again. Same
problem. Then enable Windows XP but disable Norton. Same
result. Make sure no other programs are open (They never

Windows Movie Maker came with the system and I purchased
at time of install Pinnacle TV/Video Tuner that lets me
watch television, watch the VCR hooked up to the system
and record from the VCR.

Video Card is Radeon Ati 350 9800 Pro 128NB.

No other program is open, I am the only user and I run a
Virus Scan every 2 hours and a Spyware Scan every hour
since I have had the computer. I constantly delete all
temp files/history and only audio songs are saved on the
hard drive (using 8 percent of the total space). Disc
Frag is run once per week. all Windows Critcal Updates
are downloaded.

Everything edited is an mpeg file (Which Movie Maker

Thank you all for your time and have a great day.


Um, what does disabling your firewall have to do with
editing anything in Movie Maker? Sounds totally unrelated
to me.

Lisa Campbell-Smith[MS]

This sounds like either a conflict with hardware acceleration or codecs.
Try turning off hardware acceleration in the video card. Failing that,
checkout the website: to see if you have any of
the codecs listed there on your machine.
Good Luck,
Lisa Campbell-Smith

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