Windows Media Player Ques (ITS DRIVING ME NUTS)



I have been importing my MP3 media files and when I scan a folder it tells me
that all the files were found and yet the library shows about 50 less that
what were imported. I have tried other applications and they noth find all
the MP3 files and display them. Does anyone know why Windows media player is
doing this and how do I fix it? Any help would be hugely appreciated. THanks
in advance.


Get one of the files that was imported succesfully and one that was missed,
and put them next to each other look for differences. Wether or not they are
copied, protected (under advanced summary) and the type of Mp3. I know that
windows media player likes a certain type of MP3. Like when u "Rip" a cd
through windows media player, it saves the files as .mp3 but if u look under
there file type its actually Windows Media Player file or something, and not
an original MP3. Im not sure but i wonder if Windows Media Player doesnt like
(so to speak) the files not being imported. Look for a general uniqueness
among them. If you "Que-it-up" the list into the library do they play

Not sure what im helping to much but hope it gives you something to go on


I have been importing my MP3 media files and when I scan a folder it tells me
that all the files were found and yet the library shows about 50 less that
what were imported. I have tried other applications and they noth find all
the MP3 files and display them. Does anyone know why Windows media player is
doing this and how do I fix it? Any help would be hugely appreciated. THanks
in advance.

Make sure WMP library settings are monitoring the folder with your
MP3s in via the Monitor Folders setting in Tools>Options>Library Tab.

Next when you are sure its monitoring the correct folder restart your
PC then run WMP and leave it for about an hour to update itself, this
can take seconds or a couple of hours for a lot of audio files.

Make sure your MP3s are actually MP3s.

If all else fails go back into options and in the Player Tab check the
"add music files to library when played" box then minimise WMP,
navigate to the actual MP3 and double click it, WMP should play it and
add it to the library. Depending on the tags on the MP3 files WMP may
call the files almost anything but mostly it uses "unknown" it is
possible it has found your files but added them in the library to
existing artists/album folders, it is very good at being too helpful.

If you still have problems reorganise the whole lot by copying all the
media files elsewhere then clearing the library (and HDD) entirely and
then copy the media files back to My Music forcing the WMP to
re-discover everything.

Its a bit of a black art getting WMP to do as you wish not as opposed
to how M$ wishes however its a very good player and can be brought
under full control with a bit of effort, its a lot better than Real
Player and suchlike taking over your PC. Check out Real Alternative
and Quicktime Alternative to get WMP to play all media files
regardless of source including DVDs without a third party player.

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