Windows Mangement Instrumentation won't start



I posted previously about NIC card not recognized by XP. Further digging
shows that my WMI won't start, even tho "automatic". It gives error 1068:
the dependency service or group failed to start. All of the 'group' is not
'started'. This could be part of the NIC card problem perhaps. What can I
do to correct this? Again TIA, Dick


Richard said:
I posted previously about NIC card not recognized by XP. Further digging

Install the drivers for your NIC then. MS doesn't supply ALL drivers you
know. Or, get another new nic and try that. Only $15 at most stores.


Hi Richard,


Error Message: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Might Be Corrupted;en-us;319101&Product=winxp

1 - In the Management Console\Services STOP WMI and set to manual.
2 - Go to the WMI repository %Windows%system32%wbem and delete the
3 -Set the WMI service back to Automatic
4 - From %Windows%system32%wbem run "wbemtest" and connect to your
5 - Run regedt32.exe. Locate current HKEY_Current_Config. Go down the tree
to System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class. The open the class key and right
click on the sub key 0000 and select permissions and make sure that the
permissions for you [administrator] are "Full".

Alex Nichol

Richard said:
I posted previously about NIC card not recognized by XP. Further digging
shows that my WMI won't start, even tho "automatic". It gives error 1068:
the dependency service or group failed to start. All of the 'group' is not
'started'. This could be part of the NIC card problem perhaps. What can I
do to correct this? Again TIA, Dick

In Admin Tools - Services, double click on that service (the upper of
the two Windows Management), and look in Dependencies, then check those.
It appears to depend on Remote Procedure call (which would cause fair
havoc if disabled), but also on Event Log, which you might have been
tempted into disabling

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