windows mail not sending



Gary, i'm at the end of my rope!!!! I removed the accounts from WM
re-installed them, no change. I spoke with ATT, they were on the phone with
me for two hours no change, said go to MS, who said go to Dell, who want to
charge me. Went back to MS, they want to charge me also. For something that
has never worked right. My antivirus is McAfee.

Help me Obiwan........your my only hope!!!!!

Gary VanderMolen

McAfee antivirus is among the top three troublemakers for Windows Mail.
Sometimes it takes a while before symptoms start showing up.
First of all, turn off email scanning in McAfee, although that is seldom sufficient.
Next, delete that email account (because it has been corrupted by McAfee),
restart Windows Mail, then recreate the account.

If the problem continues, the only way you can prove or disprove that
McAfee is the culprit is to uninstall it, followed by using their debris removal tool:

If you decide to replace McAfee, we can recommend a free antivirus
program which is more compatible with Windows Mail:

Instead of switching to a different antivirus, another option is to upgrade
to Windows Live Mail (WLM), which is more resistant to the adverse effects
of overly intrusive antivirus products:

Even with WLM, you must disable email scanning in the antivirus,
for the reason explained here:


Well that didn't work, as you indicated it probably wouldn't, so I guess the
next step is to uninstall McAfee. Several years ago I had a laptop from the
company I worked for, the IT guy their installed AVG Free on all our laptops,
is that one of the antivirus programs your refurring to? If so should I
uninstall the old before putting in the new?

Gary VanderMolen

Definitely uninstall McAfee and also use that special removal tool,
before you install the free AVG antivirus.
Also, when you install AVG, don't use the default install.
Select 'Custom' install, which then allows you to unselect installing its
troublesome email scanning module.


Is there a better antivirus to go with than AVG?

Gary VanderMolen said:
Definitely uninstall McAfee and also use that special removal tool,
before you install the free AVG antivirus.
Also, when you install AVG, don't use the default install.
Select 'Custom' install, which then allows you to unselect installing its
troublesome email scanning module.

Gary VanderMolen

As far as free ones? No, but you can try Avast, which is equivalent.
Of the paid ones, NOD32 is probably the best.


Gary, i have been having a problem for the last 3 days of not being able to
send e-mail. This is the error message i get:
An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'Re: hello ladies!', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server
Response: '421 Service not available', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server
Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67
Thanks for any help you can give

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