Windows Live Mail DB Logo



How do I get rid of the annoying Windows Live Mail ad/logo on the right hand
side of the WLDB - it's taking up valuable screen real estate and is really
annoying me!


I am sure they wont remove the ad your only hope is that in the future they
will allow MSN premium subscibers the option to opt out of ad's but since
this isnt a MSN product I still have my doubts about that. Your only other
option would be to look for a 3rd party program that would remove it but
again this early in the beta stage its higly doubtful.


Mark D. VandenBerg

Isn't the embedded advertising the entire concept? That Windows Mail, the
mail utility in Vista does not support HTML (free) email accounts, so they
force a decision to use either an ad-based free client (WLM) or a browser to
view the HTML mail pages (also ad-based)?


I certainly hope that's not the concept!

Plus - I am a MSN premium subsriber - so I shouldn't have to put up with ads
in my hotmail!

thanks for the reply,




Take away Hotmail support in OE and not provide
it in Windows Mail. Dangle the carrot of Hotmail
access for WLMD. You either view the ads or
turn on "Add Search", I mean "Active Search"- which
then scans your emails for "relevant" key words
and provides you with "informative" links.

It's a business decision. Fair enough. I just
wish some would call it what is and not make
excuses as to why Hotmail support was discontinued
in OE and not included in Windows Mail.

It's "free" because it's adware. Plain and simple.



vgozzy said:
How do I get rid of the annoying Windows Live Mail ad/logo on the right hand
side of the WLDB - it's taking up valuable screen real estate and is really
annoying me!

WLMD is *adware*.

Microsoft isn't going to change that-
They want to get on the advertising
boom bandwagon. Just as Google
and Yahoo have so masterfully done.

At least Google provides free Pop
access, for now.



This is what I would suggest to people- do not
use WLMD. You don't need it. Use OE, Outlook,
or Windows Mail as your email client to check Pop
accounts. Messenger sits in your system tray and
if you right click on the little fellow it will tell you how
many emails you have- Messenger allows notifies you
of new email.

Then, the only time you need to look at advertising is
when you use your browser to check Hotmail.

I have had a Hotmail account since before Microsoft
bought it. But it has never been one of my main accounts.
Having the ability to check it through an email client is
not something I consider important. Especially, if it means
looking at advertising while checking all my other email
accounts, too.



vgozzy said:
How do I get rid of the annoying Windows Live Mail ad/logo on the right hand
side of the WLDB - it's taking up valuable screen real estate and is really
annoying me!
You can't change that in the beta. Ads will be removed for subscribers (MSN and
paid Hotmail) by release. Free mail users will see ads.

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