Windows Firewall Component



Hello all,

I upgraded my existing XPE configuration to SP2 using Tech-Preview
where i added the windows security center and firewall component also
added all the dependancies of both the components

I configured the firewall so as to allow the remote desktop as per the
documentaion present in the microsoft website
Deploying Windows Firewall Settings for Microsoft Windows XP with
Service Pack 2
present at

But it dosent allow me to connect to the client.
But connection from the client is allowed to any remote computer.
The connection is not allowed even when the firewall is disabled.
It gives out an error
Remote Desktop disconnected

The client cannot be connected to the remote computer....

The same is tried with Windows XP SP2 but it worked.

Did any one tried out this
Please Help.




There is a add-on to the problem specified above

I also did the following

1. SP2 Configuration without Windows firewall
2. SP2 Configuration without Security Center and Windows firewall

In all these also the Remote Desktop dosent connect to the client.

The same configuration in SP1 is working.
In the system properties -> Remote tab the Remote Desktop check box is

Is there any additional component in SP2 Tech preview that i should
add fotr the Remote Desktop to connect to the Client.

Please Help me out.


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