Windows explorer stopped responding



Hi. My windows explorer and internet explorer decided to
stop working. When I click hte IE icon, or any windows
explorer icon eg. my computer, documents etc., the screen
flashes, and the window never opens. All other programs
work. Files on the computer can be accessed through
other programs, but its just a pain no being able to use
windows explorer. IF I reboot the computer in safe mode,
WIndows explorer works again, and if i reboot it to safe
mode with networking, IE works also. However, if you
reboot it in diagnostic mode from MSconfig, it does NOT
work. Ive also tried unchecking ALL startup programs and
services from msconfig, and it still doesnt work. Safe
mode seems to be the only way. System restore doesnt
have a checkpoint that goes back far enough before the
problem started. Ive also tried just updating IE and
windows with no results. Its just win xp pro on an old
p3 intel board and chip. If anyone has any ideas, id
appreciate them. Thanks for your help
(e-mail address removed)

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