Windows defender?



Recently, MS antispyware was automatically updated to Windows Defender (WD).
But I no longer see its icon in the system tray. How can I figure out
whether it is indeed DEFENDING Windows or not?



Thanks Robear,
Defender Tools > Options > Realtime Protection Options > ...

Just a quick question. Where is Defender Tools? I see Microsoft
AntiSpyware folder but I don't see its exe file to open Defender.
Please post your answer. Thanks. Craig

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

Craig said:
Thanks Robear,

Just a quick question. Where is Defender Tools? I see Microsoft
AntiSpyware folder but I don't see its exe file to open Defender.
Please post your answer. Thanks. Craig

C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCui.exe

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