Window Max/Min Behavior Problem



Windows XP Pro.

Been here before, but cannot recall what I did to fix it.

When I open a .txt file via NotePad, it opens up minimized.

When I click "Restore", nothing happens. When I click "Maximize", the document
becomes visible, but when I click the icon in the upper right to make it sizable
the document minimizes.

Bottom line, I can only view it maximized.

Just tb 100% up front, this is happening on my end of a VPN/Remote Computer
connection - but I'm about 96% sure the last time I observed it I was on site.

Tried having somebody power the box down and then back up again: no change.


Bob I

Pick Restore, then r-click again and pick Move and drive it back onto
the Desktop viewing area with the Left and Up arrow keys.


Per Bob I:
Pick Restore, then r-click again and pick Move and drive it back onto
the Desktop viewing area with the Left and Up arrow keys.

Whew. How simple can something get?

You saved me an hour behind the wheel and probably 2 man-hours of futile
diddling around at the client site.


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