Window Always On Top


Albert D.Kallal

not a big deal either way. I just trying help here.

The problem is that it is not clear to me why the model setting did not

I gave a suggestion, and your answer was not clear.

If the child form is modal then focus can not be returned to the caller
until the child/called form is closed.

As I mentioned, I did NOT suggest to do the above. If the parent form is
model, and the popup is not, then focus can move between the two.

Since the above suggestion did not work, then I have to either conclude two

a) you did not follow my advice
b) there is something more going on here that is not forthcoming in your
post..and thus my answer does not work.

It is not a big deal, but your above information is wrong, and shows you did
not follow my advice (or, something else is at play).

Now, it might be VERY possible that my advice don't work..but it certainly
is not clear at all as to why. That being the case...there has to be some
additional information here that I don't know about.

If the main form is model, and the child form is popup (and NOT model), then
you can switch focus between the two.

If your situation is different..then you failed to explain it...

As I said, not a big deal either way..but you not explained why my advice
will not work. That being the case...then fine.....

Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP)
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
(e-mail address removed)

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