Win XP with 2 hard drives



How do I install Win XP on my backup hard drive? I need to move all of my files over to the backup and format the main hard drive and reinstall Win XP clean. Here's some history on my problem; I can't get access to the floppy drive or the CDRW. I copied the files on CD, but can't read them. The floppy drive/CDRW is an ongoing problem that I asked for advice on a few weeks ago. It was decided by all on this list, Intel, Western Digital, and Microsoft that the drive controller was bad. Well, Intel gave me a new motherboard replacement and the floppy still doesn't work! When ever I try to access a floppy disc to read or save on I get the same message from Windows Explorer, 'A\:' is not accessible, Incorrect function, the other message tells me that I cannot access the files without permission from the administrator", I am the administrator. Anyway, it's quite a problem and I need access to my floppy disc's! I have come to the conclusion that it would probably be best to reinstall XP or try a repair. But, first I need to save some important files from the hard drive. Any help or ideas will be much appreciated. Thanks


The easiest way will be this

Have a friend create a bootable CD from one of these sites

(If you have a Windows 98 CD you don't need to do the above step, it is bootable.

Go into your system BIOS
Go to the boot menu and choose Boot from CD

Insert the Bootable CD (either Windows 98 or the created Bootable CD)
Restart the computer
Be sure to choose install With CDRom support from the boot menu if that option is there

When the CD Boot is complete insert your WinXP CD and run setup

You can partition/format the drive you perfur and install Windows on that Drive as well from the menus.


Try opening the door to the floppy drive,sometimes the metal clasp on th
floppy comes off and stays in the drive which gets you the same results you mention
look carefully,worse comes to worse,replace the drive,thier only 15.00.With the new boar
the cd rom still doesnt work ? If it doesnt youll never install xp w/o it,if it works,install x
to new drive,set old as slave,retrieve the files when back on desktop,after format the hd.

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