Win Mess 5.0 Fix Doesn't Work



Hi. I've posted earlier about my problem with Windows Messenger 5.0 not automatically signing me on when it starts. I tried to fix it with the popular registry fix that's been recommended around here, and it didn't work. I tried a variety of stuff to get the auto-signin to work, and nothing could do it.

In the end, seeing as how I was due to clean up my hard drive for the sake of performance/organization, I just uninstalled XP and reformatted my hard drive. After re-installing windows, I downloaded the latest version of Windows Messenger and clicked "auto sign me in" when I did it. Once again, it didn't work.

So I'm left wondering if there's anything more I can do. I'm pretty sure that I'm not missing something simple, as I've been up and down this problem a thousand times. I'm an experienced used of Windows/MSN Messenger, and my computer at work automatically signs me on to the MSN Messenger service with my .Net passport.

Could the problem have something to do with compatibility between my .Net passport and Windows Messenger? I really don't want to install MSN Messenger at home if I don't have to. Any advice is appreciated.


What is your scenerio? From what you say I gather thay you are trying to
sign on to a computer at work from home using XP pro over a VPN. Is this
correct? And in your scenerin you tell it to save your password and to auto
sign you in and if won't work.

Eric Scott said:
Hi. I've posted earlier about my problem with Windows Messenger 5.0 not
automatically signing me on when it starts. I tried to fix it with the
popular registry fix that's been recommended around here, and it didn't
work. I tried a variety of stuff to get the auto-signin to work, and
nothing could do it.
In the end, seeing as how I was due to clean up my hard drive for the sake
of performance/organization, I just uninstalled XP and reformatted my hard
drive. After re-installing windows, I downloaded the latest version of
Windows Messenger and clicked "auto sign me in" when I did it. Once again,
it didn't work.
So I'm left wondering if there's anything more I can do. I'm pretty sure
that I'm not missing something simple, as I've been up and down this problem
a thousand times. I'm an experienced used of Windows/MSN Messenger, and my
computer at work automatically signs me on to the MSN Messenger service with
my .Net passport.
Could the problem have something to do with compatibility between my .Net
passport and Windows Messenger? I really don't want to install MSN
Messenger at home if I don't have to. Any advice is appreciated.

Nick Knisely

I'm having a similar problem... But I'm not doing anything fancy - just
WinXP pro and Windows Messenger 5.0

Messenger starts when I load windows, but it won't automatically sign in.

I have what I think are the appropriate boxes checked in the options.

Is there a registry fix?


Eric Scott

I want Windows Messenger to start up whether I'm VPN'ing
or just going through things normally on my ISP. I have
the same setup at work--but with 2000 Pro and MSN Mess 6
instead of XP Pro and Windows Messenger--and my work setup
does fine.

This is a unique problem, from what I've read on here and
my searches. Most people have trouble getting
auto sign-in to work on Windows Mess. 5.0 if they have
installed MSN Messenger on their machine. I've never had
MSN Messenger on this machine. As I said, I formatted my
drive, reinstalled XP Pro, downloaded Windows Messenger 5,
and immediately experienced the problems with auto sign-in
not retaining my password and logging me in right off the

Very frustrating.

Nick Knisely

Ahhh. I did have MSN Messenger installed on this machine.

Was there a solution for those of us in this category?

Sorry to hear of your issue.


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