Will MS fix video problems caused by SP2?


SpongeBob SquarePants

Why would MS take responsibility for a 3rd party's software? They only
include them to do you a favor, and only do general compatibility testing -
the real testing with the new SP is the hardware company's responsibility.
Also note, if your hardware manufacturer decides it is not economical or
feasible for them to support your hardware any longer, you really have no
choice but not install the SP or buy new hardware - it is no way of any sort
MS's fault the hardware manufacturer is no longer supporting your hardware.

"SpongeBob SquarePants"
"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"

Small Note: If you want to learn how to fix/do something, I'll point you to
it, but if you want me to do your work for you, it will cost you $50 USD per
hour - your choice.

SpongeBob SquarePants

You didn't have to upgrade your OS - you could've stayed where you were at -

"SpongeBob SquarePants"
"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"

Small Note: If you want to learn how to fix/do something, I'll point you to
it, but if you want me to do your work for you, it will cost you $50 USD per
hour - your choice.


Gary said:
I tried that. They don't exist. I don't understand why people so
willingly accept Gate's propaganda that whenever he screws something up it's
the fault of whatever he screwed up. The drivers were working fine until
Gates "upgraded" the O/S.

Then stick with SP1, a good 3rd party firewall, up to date AV, and a
combo of anti spyware/adware programs. It's a good platform, and no one
says you have to update to SP2. But quit your whining about not being
able to have SP2 with your old hardware. Three years is the current
average life cycle for computer items, so this is no different. I wish
it weren't so either, but the consumer is often times the driving force
for wanting more and new and better, and the pace of technological
change is accelerating.


Don`t go blaming MS for something like this. People demanded better
security and other things, so MS complied. If you want to blame someone,
then blame all the hackers, virus writers, spammers, and spyware writers for
your troubles. It used to be safe to connect to the net, surf websites and
download things, but not anymore. Also, with the computer industry, nothing
stays current for very long, so you have to upgrade or get left behind and
not be able to use current software.



Newer Nvidia drivers certainly do exist. Last time I looked they were up to
version 6.something and yours is 2.something. So they've been cranking out
new drivers for quite some time since you've last updated. As far as ATI,
last time I looked, there were a number of drivers available for the
different Rage versions.

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