Why some hyperlinks are not working?



I have many correct hyperlink addresses in one of the columns. If I select the
hyperlinks "unable to open" message is coming (sometimes no action). So I
open the same address in my browser window now it is working. (and I closed
the browser) Again I come to spreadsheet and click the hyperlink now it is
How to make the hyperlinks to work all the times? Please help me. I am using
excel 2003


How did you put the hyperlinks into the columns? If you just typed them in,
sometimes Excel doesn't automatically make them real hyperlinks, but because
Excel will, under certain circumstances, grab the display format from the row
above the entry will look like hyperlink (blue underlined vs black
not-underlined). Check that out in some of the ones that seem to give no
action at all: click the cell and choose Insert | Hyperlink and see if there
is actually a hyperlink associated with it.

You might consider using the HYPERLINK() worksheet function, it takes this
=HYPERLINK("link address","displayed text")
You can use a cell address for the "displayed text" portion of it if you
have a cell on the row that holds some appropriate text. For example, this
might be in A1
My Website
and this could go into B1


The cells are associated with hyperlinks. (blue color).That is not a problem.
I got the hyperlinks like this:
To get the data I have to go through main site and from there i have to
select sub menus then "download data in .csv" message appears. If I copy
the link location and paste it in excel columns it is working. But without
this process
directly i typed the hyperlinks(blue) in excel column it is not coming.
server may be not allowing message is coming. I have to handle hundreds of
hyperlinks. So every time to follow the above process is difficult. How to do


ezil, here is a macro that I use to create hyperlinks from what looks like a
hyperlink typed into cells. It is set up assuming that the text that should
be a hyperlink is in column D, but you can change "D65536" and "D1" to get it
to work in any other column.
If you have text in a cell like
in the column, this macro will assure that it really is a hyperlink. It
does not matter if it already is a hyperlink, it doesn't break anything, all
cells that start out with http:// will end up set up as active hyperlinks.
To put the macro into a workbook, open the workbook, press [Alt]+[F11] then
use Insert | Module to create a new code module and finally cut and paste the
code below into the module.

Sub MakeHyperlinks()
Dim lastRow As Long

lastRow = Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Do Until ActiveCell.Row > lastRow
If UCase$(Left$(ActiveCell, 7)) = "HTTP://" Then
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=Selection, _
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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