Where to locate reference


Lee Hunter

Where may I locate the reference to using the various
parameters with worksheet functions as methods such as

I see answers describing values like "what=:"
and "lookin" and the like.

Where are these documented?


Tom Ogilvy

Those are called named ranges, but they are only used with procedures built
in VBA or VB. For the worksheetfunctions, you don't use names - arguments
are passed by position. So you just use Excel help for those to identify
the arguments.


Thanks Tom,

and I should have more properly called them Methods,
rather than worksheet functions.

In any case for the FIND method, for example:
Set c = .Find(2, lookin:=xlValues)
Where is "lookin:=" defined and where is "xlValues"

It appears to me as if each method has it's own set of
named arguments,as:
Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("A").Replace _
What:="SIN", Replacement:="COS", _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=True
doesn't use "lookin:=" and

FIND doesn't use "SearchOrder". I can't locate this in
either Excel or VBA help or in the Language or Forms
reference manuals. Where are they hidden?

Thanks, again.

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