where is registry?



Need to copy my registry to CD for Windows reinstall backup.

Where do I find the registry file for copying?


rb said:
Need to copy my registry to CD for Windows reinstall backup.

Where do I find the registry file for copying?
There are several registry hives. The best way to proceed is to backup the
system state.


Patrick Keenan

rb said:
Need to copy my registry to CD for Windows reinstall backup.

Where do I find the registry file for copying?

Why do you think you need to do either of these things?

Frequently, if a reinstall is needed, you really don't *want* the old

The registry hive is made up of several files, and ntbackup (Windows Backup)
can save the system state. The real question is whether you really do want
to do that.



rb said:
Need to copy my registry to CD for Windows reinstall backup.

Where do I find the registry file for copying?

If you are going to reinstall XP, why copy the registry? And why do you
need to reinstall?

That said ERUNT is an excellent tool for backing up the registry.


Installing and Using ERUNT

Mark F.

Patrick said:
Why do you think you need to do either of these things?

Frequently, if a reinstall is needed, you really don't *want* the old

The registry hive is made up of several files, and ntbackup (Windows Backup)
can save the system state. The real question is whether you really do want
to do that.


Perhaps because people often recommend "backing up the registry" before
making changes to it. In such a case I would prefer exporting a single
key and subkeys to a .reg file.

my .02


Perhaps because people often recommend "backing up the registry" before
making changes to it. In such a case I would prefer exporting a single
key and subkeys to a .reg file.

I use ERUNT before making any system changes... even installing
updates and new software. Running ERUNT from my Start menu takes less
than 15 seconds. I doubt you could export any registry key faster than
ERUNT can backup the whole registry.


Start / Run / type regedit __go to file / export / and it will save your
registry in my documents. save as RB'sregfile so you can find it quickly


me said:
Start / Run / type regedit __go to file / export / and it will save your
registry in my documents. save as RB'sregfile so you can find it quickly

That is not a good way to back up the registry. It cannot be restored
effectively from that.

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