Where is Excel VBA Help Info?

  • Thread starter Richard Winston
  • Start date

Richard Winston

First time opening up Excel 2002 (XP) VBA Editor to test a macro that Don
Guillet posted. I got a syntax error because a variable hadn't been
declared. I tried to bring up help on "Sheets" by hilighting the word and
hitting F1 but nothing happened. I clicked on Help and it only gives an
otions for 1) Microsoft VBA Help, 2) MSDN on the Web and 3) About Microsoft
Visual Basic.

Why don't I have Excel VBA specific help info ? Was it just not installed

I've only ever done VBA stuff with Outlook on my 2000 machine at work, and
it provides Help for the Outlook objects.

I have the student edition of Office installed, by the way.

John Wilson

Why don't I have Excel VBA specific help info
There is no such thing. VBA is Visual Basic for Applications.
Excel is one of those "Applications"

Re: your syntax error.
Your VBA Tools/Options are probably set to "Require Variable Declaration"
(which is a very good idea). Having this option selected will place
Option Explicit at the top of every module (which means that all your
will have to be declared or you'll get an error).
I don't know what code Don gave you, but if you delete that top line
(Option Explicit), it should work. Better though would be to find
what variables that Don was using in the code he gave you and
declare them with a Dim statement.


John Wilson


Check the Date/Time on your PC.


Robin Hammond said:
You have to specify the VBA help files as part of the office installation. I
haven't run office setup for a while but think you should be able to go back
to the setup file and reselect the option if you have the install disk.

Robin Hammond

Richard Winston


There is no such thing. VBA is Visual Basic for Applications.
Excel is one of those "Applications"

Re: your syntax error.
Your VBA Tools/Options are probably set to "Require Variable
Declaration" (which is a very good idea). Having this option selected
will place Option Explicit at the top of every module (which means
that all your variables
will have to be declared or you'll get an error).
I don't know what code Don gave you, but if you delete that top line
(Option Explicit), it should work. Better though would be to find
what variables that Don was using in the code he gave you and
declare them with a Dim statement.


Why don't I get context sensitive help for Excel objects. When I write
Outlook macros I am able to hilight "MailItem", for example, and get
help for that particular object. It's not working for me with the Excel
Macro that Don gave me (posted below)

X = [quotes!a65536].End(xlUp).Row
For Each c In Sheets("quotes").Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(X, 1))
symbols = symbols & "+" & c

URLAddress = "http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s="
mystringend = symbols & "&f=snd1t1l1ohgpv&e=.csv"
qurl = URLAddress + mystringend
With Sheets("Data").QueryTables.Add(Connection:="URL;" & qurl, _
.BackgroundQuery = True
.TablesOnlyFromHTML = False
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
.SaveData = True
End With

Richard Winston

Why don't I get context sensitive help for Excel objects. When I write
Outlook macros I am able to hilight "MailItem", for example, and get
help for that particular object. It's not working for me with the Excel
Macro that Don gave me (posted below)

Never mind, you were right. Now that I did what you suggested and got rid
of the Option Explicit, the code works and the context sensitive help


Tom Ogilvy

the date and time are correct for where I am.

Perhaps you have the wrong time zone set. Everyone else's post (and they
are certainly geographically disperse) appear in chronological order. Yours
are about 22 hours ahead of time it appears.

Robin Hammond

You have to specify the VBA help files as part of the office installation. I
haven't run office setup for a while but think you should be able to go back
to the setup file and reselect the option if you have the install disk.

Robin Hammond

Robin Hammond

Let's try this again. Maybe this one will be right. Sorry to be doing this
in public.

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