Where did my custom template go?

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I'm doing a book with about 75 small chapters, but there are lots of
paragraph styles for headings & such used throughout (no outline
numbering, fortunately!). I got tired of using the Organizer to call
up the .docx that has the full complement of them in it, since it
takes lots of browsing to get from the templates folder to the
Documents subsubsubfolder, so I made a template via Office button >
Save as > Template, and deleted all the text of the chapter from it so
it'll be ready to go, and it appeared to be saving it in the right

But when I go to the Organizer, Close file on the righthand list of
styles and immediately Open file, my new template isn't there! Did it
save it somewhere else? Is it hidden?

I doubt it's hidden.....it's more likely just "misplaced." 2007 does not
seem to always take you to the tempaltes folder by default as 2003 did. So,
as a first measure, you could run a search on your machine for *.dotx and
determine if there are any outlying files not locaed in the native Tempaltes
folders. Then, I recomend moving them to the appropriate location.

It worked. It had saved it in the folder where the document it was
made from lives.

(Not exactly helpful, since it would take just as much browsing to get
to it as to get to the document!)

Thank you.
I think you're running under Vista, so this may not help, but running under
Windows XP, the Trusted Templates folder is on the Places Bar, so when you
save a template, you can click on that button to get to the right folder for
saving it.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

It worked. It had saved it in the folder where the document it was
made from lives.

(Not exactly helpful, since it would take just as much browsing to get
to it as to get to the document!)

Thank you.