What process is performed behind excel?



I get a table A1:Z60000 with formula, and make 10 copies for this file.
The purpose is to split the table into 10 parts for each file in order not
to hit the limitation of cell formula memory 1GB for office 2003. When I try
to remove part of table for the first file by deleting a portion of table, it
runs quickly and the file size is 10MB, but when I try to remove the part of
the table for the third file, it run slowly and the file size is 15 MB. Both
files are same, but I get different results on my handling process. Does
anyone have any suggestions on the cause for delay and for increasing the
file size?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions


I would imagine that windows is keeping a copy of all your changes and
holding them in memory, save both the new file and the old file after each
change to clear the memory.



Thank you for your suggestions
Do you have any suggestions on how to disable window to keep a copy of all
my changes in memory?
Thank you for any suggestions

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