What now? Help?



Tried running command prompt as advised, and recieved the
following message, "Load library msubvm60.dll failed-The
specified module could not be found," Anyone have any
advice? Thank again, ellgrundar.



Its a v not u !

1) Open up a command prompt (start -> run -> cmd)

2) Type in the following "regsvr32 msvbvm60.dll" (without the quotes).

Mark the text with your mouse, right click copy and
right click and paste it into run

3) Close and re-open Windows AntiSpyware


ellgrundar presented the following explanation :


-----Original Message-----

Its a v not u !

1) Open up a command prompt (start -> run -> cmd)

2) Type in the following "regsvr32 msvbvm60.dll" (without the quotes).

Mark the text with your mouse, right click copy and
right click and paste it into run

3) Close and re-open Windows AntiSpyware


ellgrundar presented the following explanation :

Thank-you "plun" correcting my mistake. New cmd
message "succeeded". Thanks again!

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