What is Binaries/SoapVDir all about?



Apparently about 3 months ago somehow a folder called Binaries appeared was
installed or appeared on C:/, with two files inside, one is called
SoapVDir.exe, the other is a VB script file.
The question is, what is their function, what or who installed it and can
it be uninstalled without causing problems?
BTW when I say who I mean what piece of software?(G)



ICU said:
Apparently about 3 months ago somehow a folder called Binaries
appeared was installed or appeared on C:/, with two files inside, one
is called SoapVDir.exe, the other is a VB script file.
The question is, what is their function, what or who installed it and
can it be uninstalled without causing problems?
BTW when I say who I mean what piece of software?(G)


Geez...ya mean no one in this group can answer my question...gotta be a




Well I guess I should mentioned in my first post that I did a google on
SoapvDir before I posted here and got nowhere...one or two hits on people
with basically the same question I asked and no real understandable
answers. Lots of hits on how to use it plus tons of techno gab and so
forth but nothing that gave me any indication what it was doing on my
harddrive or any suggestion as to how it got there, nothing aboutwether I
could just uninstall it or if it was installed by a MS update or if it
was now needed for the computer to function properly.
So after trying to follow up on three or four pages of useless google
hits on the subject I posted my question here
BTW using the google search url you provided the first three hits from
google now are my two posts and yours.(G)

Thanks for taking the time to try and help, much appreciated.


Gary S. Terhune

Right-click the VBS file, click Edit, press Ctrl-A to Select All, then
Ctrl-C to Copy it, then use Ctrl-V to paste it into a reply here. It's
what's in the VBS file that concerns me. And the fact that all of the hits
for MSDN, et al, speak of SoapVDir.CMD, not SoapVDir.EXE.


Right-click the VBS file, click Edit, press Ctrl-A to Select All, then
Ctrl-C to Copy it, then use Ctrl-V to paste it into a reply here. It's
what's in the VBS file that concerns me. And the fact that all of the
hits for MSDN, et al, speak of SoapVDir.CMD, not SoapVDir.EXE.

You are correct and this old dummy can't copy his notes correctly.(G)
It was SoapVDir.cmd not .exe.
It's gone now as I unnstalled both files and folder when I didn't get a
reponse here for a couple of days.
Thanks for the reply , much appreciated.

Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
Right-click the VBS file, click Edit, press Ctrl-A to Select All, then
Ctrl-C to Copy it, then use Ctrl-V to paste it into a reply here. It's
what's in the VBS file that concerns me. And the fact that all of the hits
for MSDN, et al, speak of SoapVDir.CMD, not SoapVDir.EXE.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"ICU" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Apparently about 3 months ago somehow a folder called Binaries appeared
> was
> installed or appeared on C:/, with two files inside, one is called
> SoapVDir.exe, the other is a VB script file.
> The question is, what is their function, what or who installed it and can
> it be uninstalled without causing problems?
> BTW when I say who I mean what piece of software?(G)
My name is Mike and I am having the same problem... here is what is in mine.... Please let me know what you find.
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
' _svdir.vbs
' utility to manage VDirs for Soap Toolkit 3
' for usage information call it with the HELP option
Option Explicit
'On Error Resume Next

Dim objArgs
const TargetServer = "IIS://localhost"
const DefaultSiteName = "w3svc/1/Root"
const ScriptMap = ",1,GET,POST"
const ScriptMapIIS4 = ",1,PUT,DELETE,TRACE"

'error codes returned from ScriptMap
'script returns 0 in the success case
const NO_EXECUTION = 1 ' no changes performed
const PARAM_MISSING = 2 ' missing parameter
const CSCRIPT_REQUIRED = 3 ' script was started from wscript.exe
const UNKNOWN_PARAM = 4 ' unknown command line parameter
const ISAPI_REG = 5 ' soap isapi not correctly registered
const ILLEGAL_PARAM = 6 ' illegal command line parameter
const VDIR_ERROR = 7 ' failure during vdir creation
const IIS_VERSION = 8 ' unable to determine IIS version information
const SETMAP_ERROR = 9 ' Failure setting the scriptmap
const GETOBJ_ERROR = 9 ' Failure sto acquire an IIS object

call DetectExeType
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
if objArgs.Count < 1 then
call DisplaySimpleHelp
end if
if ucase(objArgs(0)) = "HELP" then
call DisplayHelp
end if
If ucase(objArgs(0)) = "UPDATE" Then
call VDirUpdate
end if
If ucase(objArgs(0)) = "CREATE" Then
call VDirCreate
end if

'we can quit with an error message
call DisplayError("Unknown Paramter ("+objArgs(0)+")", UNKNOWN_PARAM, 0)

function VDirUpdate
Dim args
Dim ServiceNumber
Dim VDirName
Dim SiteName
Dim ISAPILocation
Dim i
On Error Resume Next
VDirCommand = ""
ServiceNumber = ""
Set args = WScript.Arguments
if (args.Count > 4) or (args.Count < 2) then
call DisplayError("Illegal number of parameters.", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
end if
VDirName = args(1)
for i = 2 to args.Count -1
if ucase(left(args(i),3)) = "-S:" then
WScript.Echo args(i)
if (len(ServiceNumber) > 0) then
call DisplayError("Illegal service number ("+args(i)+")", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
end if
ServiceNumber = Right(args(i), Len(args(i)) - 3)
end if
if ucase(left(args(i),3)) = "-W:" then
if (len(SiteName) > 0) then
call DisplayError("Illegal website ("+args(i)+")", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
end if
SiteName = Right(args(i), Len(args(i)) - 3)
end if
if len(ServiceNumber) = 0 then
end if
if len(SiteName) = 0 then
end if
VDirName = CreateVDirName(TargetServer, ServiceNumber, SiteName, VDirName)
ISAPILocation = DetectIsapiLocation()
call addMapping( VDirName, ISAPILocation)
end function

function VDirCreate
Dim args
Dim ServiceNumber
Dim VDirName
Dim SiteName
Dim VDirPath
Dim i
'On Error Resume Next
VDirCreate= ""
Set args = WScript.Arguments
if (args.Count > 5) or (args.Count < 3) then
call DisplayError("Illegal number of parameters.", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
end if
VDirName = args(1)
VDirPath = args(2)
for i = 3 to args.Count -1
if ucase(left(args(i),3)) = "-S:" then
WScript.Echo args(i)
if (len(ServiceNumber) > 0) then
call DisplayError("Illegal service number ("+args(i)+")", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
end if
ServiceNumber = Right(args(i), Len(args(i)) - 3)
end if
if ucase(left(args(i),3)) = "-W:" then
if (len(SiteName) > 0) then
call DisplayError("Illegal website ("+args(i)+")", ILLEGAL_PARAM, 0)
end if
SiteName = Right(args(i), Len(args(i)) - 3)
end if
if len(ServiceNumber) = 0 then
end if
if len(SiteName) = 0 then
end if
call createVDir( TargetServer, ServiceNumber, SiteName, VDirName, VDirPath)
ISAPILocation = DetectIsapiLocation()
VDirName = CreateVDirName(TargetServer, ServiceNumber, SiteName, VDirName)
call addMapping( VDirName, ISAPILocation)
end function

Function createVDir(Server, ServiceNumber, SiteName, VDirName, VDirPath)
'On Error Resume Next
createVDir = TRUE
Dim IIsObjectPath
Dim IIsObject
Dim vroot
Dim vDir
IIsObjectPath = Server + "/W3SVC/" + ServiceNumber
Set IIsObject = GetObject(IIsObjectPath)
call CHK_ERR("Error trying to get IIS Object: " + IIsObjectPath, GETOBJ_ERROR, Err.Number)
set vRoot = IIsObject.GetObject("IIsWebVirtualDir", "Root")
call CHK_ERR ("Error trying to access IISWebVirtualDirectory 'Root' on: " + IIsObjectPath, GETOBJ_ERROR, Err.Number)
Set vDir = vRoot.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", VDirName)
call CHK_ERR("Unable to create " + vRoot.ADsPath + "/" + VDirName , GETOBJ_ERROR, Err.Number)
vDir.AccessRead = False
vDir.AccessExecute = True
vDir.AspBufferingOn= True
vDir.AccessScript = True
vDir.AspAllowSessionState = False
vDir.ContentIndexed = False
vDir.Put "Path", VDirPath
call CHK_ERR("Can't set properties for " + vRoot.ADsPath + "/" + VDirName, VDIR_ERROR, Err.Number)
if IsIIS4() then
Const INPROC_IIS4 = True
Const OUTPROC_IIS4 = False

vDir.AppCreate INPROC_IIS4
Const INPROC = 0
Const OUTPROC = 1
Const POOLED = 2
vdir.AppCreate2 INPROC
end if
call CHK_ERR("Can't create web-application definition in " + vRoot.ADsPath + "/" + VDirName, VDIR_ERROR, Err.Number)
vDir.AppFriendlyName = VDirName
call CHK_ERR("Unable to save configuration for " + vRoot.ADsPath + "/" + VDirName, VDIR_ERROR, Err.Number)
End Function

function CreateVDirName(server, number, site, vdir)
Dim temp
On Error Resume Next
temp = server + "/w3svc/" +number + "/" + site + "/" + vdir
CreateVDirName = temp
end function

Function addMapping(IIsObjectPath, isapiname)
On Error Resume Next
Dim IIsObject
dim i
dim list
dim mapString
dim doneIt
addMapping = ""
doneIt = false
Set IIsObject = GetObject(IIsObjectPath)
call CHK_ERR("Error trying to get the path of the application: " + IIsObjectPath, GETOBJ_ERROR, Err.Number)
list = IISObject.ScriptMaps
call CHK_ERR("Error trying to query scriptmap in: " + IIsObjectPath, GETOBJ_ERROR, Err.Number)
if IsIIS4() then
mapString = ".wsdl," + isapiname + ScriptMapIIS4
mapString = ".wsdl," + isapiname + ScriptMap
end if
for i = 0 to UBound(list)
if (left(list(i), 5) = ".wsdl") then
list(i) = mapString
doneIt = true
end if
if not doneIt then
i = ubound(list) + 1
redim preserve list(i)
list(i)= mapString
end if
IIsObject.Put "scriptmaps", (list)
call CHK_ERR("Error trying to set the scriptmap to " + mapString, SETMAP_ERROR, Err.Number)
WScript.Echo "Registered virtual DIR: "
WScript.Echo " " + IIsObjectPath
WScript.Echo " with addition scriptmap entry:"
WScript.Echo " " + mapString
End Function

' This can detect the type of exe the script is running under and warns the
' user of the popups.
Sub DetectExeType()
Dim ScriptHost
On Error Resume Next
ScriptHost = WScript.FullName
ScriptHost = Right(ScriptHost, Len(ScriptHost) - InStrRev(ScriptHost, "\"))
If (UCase(ScriptHost) = "WSCRIPT.EXE") Then
Dim msg
msg = "This script is executed using WScript. It requires CScript to function correctly."
msg = AddLine(msg, "Please run the script by executing")
msg = AddLine(msg, " SOAPVDIR.CMD <cmd> <param>")
WScript.Echo msg
End If
End Sub
function IsIIS4
Dim ShellObject
dim mver
On Error Resume Next
Set ShellObject = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
mver = ShellObject.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\w3svc\Parameters\MajorVersion")
if (Err <> 0) or (len(mver) < 1) then
call DisplayError("Can't determine IIS Version", IIS_VERSION, Err.Number)
End If
if CInt(mver) < 5 then
end if
end function
function DetectIsapiLocation
Dim ShellObject
Dim location
On Error Resume Next
Set ShellObject = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
location = ShellObject.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSOAP\30\SOAPISAP\isapi")
if (Err <> 0) or (len(location) < 1) then
call DisplayError("Soap Toolkit 3 Isapi is not correctly registered.", ISAPI_REG, Err.Number)
End If
DetectIsapiLocation = location
end function
Function CommonHelp
WScript.echo "Usage:"
WScript.echo " SOAPVDIR.CMD <cmd> [<value>*]"
WScript.echo "Description:"
WScript.echo " Create VDir on localhost to use Soap Toolkit 3 ISAPI or"
WScript.echo " Update VDir on localhost to use Soap Toolkit 3 ISAPI instead of"
WScript.echo " the Soap Toolkit 2 ISAPI"
end function
Function DisplaySimpleHelp
call CommonHelp()
WScript.echo "Supported Commands:"
WScript.echo " HELP, UPDATE, CREATE"
WScript.echo "Sample"
WScript.echo " soapvdir.cmd UPDATE soapsample"
WScript.echo " soapvdir.cmd CREATE soapsample c:\inetpub\wwwroot\soap"
WScript.echo "For Extended Help type:"
WScript.echo " soapvdir.cmd HELP"
end function

Function DisplayHelp
call CommonHelp()
WScript.echo "Standard Command:"
WScript.echo " Displays this help message"
WScript.echo " soapvdir.cmd HELP "
WScript.echo " Updates the VDIR 'name'"
WScript.echo " soapvdir.cmd UPDATE name [-s:server] [-w:site]"
WScript.echo " Create a new Vdir"
WScript.echo " soapvdir.cmd CREATE name path [-s:server] [-w:site]"
WScript.echo "UPDATE Command:"
WScript.echo " 'name' is the name of the virtual directory to update."
WScript.echo " By default it is expected that this virtual directory is located"
WScript.echo " on the root (w3svc/1/root)."
WScript.echo " The default server (1) can be changed using the '-s:' option."
WScript.echo " The default site (root) can be changed using the '-w:' option."
WScript.echo "CREATE Command:"
WScript.echo " 'name' is the name of the virtual directory to create."
WScript.echo " 'path' is the location on disk."
WScript.echo " By default the virtual directory is created below the"
WScript.echo " root (w3svc/1/root)."
WScript.echo " The default server (1) can be changed using the '-s:' option."
WScript.echo " The default site (root) can be changed using the '-w:' option."
WScript.echo "Samples:"
WScript.echo " soapvdir.cmd UPDATE soapsample"
Wscript.echo " is identical to"
WScript.echo " soapvdir.cmd UPDATE soapsample -s:1 -w:root"
WScript.echo " soapvdir.cmd CREATE soapsample c:\soap"
Wscript.echo " is identical to"
WScript.echo " soapvdir.cmd CREATE soapsample c:\soap -s:1 -w:root"
end function

function CHK_ERR(msg, code, errcode)
on error resume next
if errcode <> 0 then
call DisplayError(msg, code, errcode)
end if
end function
function DisplayError(msg, code, errcode)
DisplayError = ""
on error resume next
if errcode <> 0 then
WScript.Echo "Error (0x" + hex(errcode) + "):"
WScript.Echo "Error:"
end if
WScript.Echo " " + msg
end function
' concatenates two string with a return in the middle
' this is usefull for output in msg-boxes
function AddLine(msg, line)
on error resume next
Addline = msg + chr(13) + line
end function

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