What does this mean ='FY04'!H9



I am continuing a worksheet that someone else createdIt has columns for
fiscal years 1993 throu 2004. I have added a column for 2005. Antoher
column contains the current year information in dollars, the column for 2005
is based on formulas which I understand. However, in the previous year
columns, the cells contain a formula similar to this ='FY04'!H9. I'm
thinking that it has something to do with freezing the cells so that when I
enter the current year dollars, the prior year cells don't change. When I
put a similar formula into last years cells, I get an invalid address error
message. I've never seen the above formula before and it's not listed on the
"About Calculation Operators" page.

VBA Noob


The first part is the page the cell is linked to 'FY04'! (I assume thi
is an abbreviation for the financial year 2004) the second part is th
cell ref on that sheet H9

Nope this helps


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