What causes an excel file to lose all the formatting?



Can anyone tell me what causes an excel file lose all of it's formatting? It
was fine when I worked on it and when I save it. When I pulled it up the
next day, all the formatting was gone.
Is there a way to fix it?
Thanks for your help...

Robert Flanagan

Most likely it is not an Excel file. Microsoft hides known filetypes by
default. If you open Windows Explorer, select Tools, Folder Options, View
and uncheck "hide extensions for known file types", this will show the file
types. I believe you may need to close and reopen Excel. If the filetype
is not an Excel workbook (XLS in 2003-), then save it as one.

Robert Flanagan
Productivity add-ins and downloadable books on VB macros for Excel


Any chance it accidentally got saved as a text only file? Did you get any
alerts when you were saving it?


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