Well its official xp has problems



I swear i Have had more problems trying to get xp to run
right than trying to get a 2 legged dog to win a race at
a track...Ever since i burned my drive and put xp on i
have had nothing but problems and errors from day 1.. I
do not know if this is just my old ass computer getting
back at me for buying a new alienware ( hehe being
shipped..yea..:) or if it is just due to poor testing and
compatability on microsofts part... but I get errors
every time i start my computer like wmi has and errors
send report or whatever to unbelievably slow system
respnse at time once waitong for my start menu to open
for 4 minutes...!!!! and im and honestly not exagurating.
i Know 128 mb of ram and a 700 mghz amd processor isnt
alot anymore but thats is a bit ridiculous if you ask me,
do you think?... Well theres my rant for the evening i
hope maybe microsoft will soon come out with a miracle
fix that fixes all problems ( in my dreams... no really i
dream about it) but until then i will just have to keep
blowing my money on new cool toys to take my mind of the
harsh reality of hp on my computer....I envy anyone who
has had not 1 single problem on xp i truly do....thanks
for listening!!! enjoy your the amzingly great and
producgting xp... (spewww)


Oh I gotta give microsoft props for the xbox though i
love my box...props microsoft of the box...yeah for
microsoft and the box....booh for problems in xp.....yeah
for box....booh for problems....yeah for box...and thats
enough im outtie, gonna go catch some ZzZzZzZzZz's.

Jimmy S.

Hi Shamino,

Sorry to hear you're having such problems with XP.

If you want to share more details about your system,
and the exact errors that are occurring, maybe we can
help get you on track. XP is the most stable version
of Windows I have ever used. Let's get you set up! :)

Jimmy S.

Additional Support Resources: My Zone.com Helpsite: http://nibblesnbits.tk
Microsoft Online Tech Support: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=376
Game FAQ's: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=FH;[LN];gms
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.

| I swear i Have had more problems trying to get xp to run
| right than trying to get a 2 legged dog to win a race at
| a track...Ever since i burned my drive and put xp on i
| have had nothing but problems and errors from day 1.. I
| do not know if this is just my old ass computer getting
| back at me for buying a new alienware ( hehe being
| shipped..yea..:) or if it is just due to poor testing and
| compatability on microsofts part... but I get errors
| every time i start my computer like wmi has and errors
| send report or whatever to unbelievably slow system
| respnse at time once waitong for my start menu to open
| for 4 minutes...!!!! and im and honestly not exagurating.
| i Know 128 mb of ram and a 700 mghz amd processor isnt
| alot anymore but thats is a bit ridiculous if you ask me,
| do you think?... Well theres my rant for the evening i
| hope maybe microsoft will soon come out with a miracle
| fix that fixes all problems ( in my dreams... no really i
| dream about it) but until then i will just have to keep
| blowing my money on new cool toys to take my mind of the
| harsh reality of hp on my computer....I envy anyone who
| has had not 1 single problem on xp i truly do....thanks
| for listening!!! enjoy your the amzingly great and
| producgting xp... (spewww)

Chris H.

Make sure your motherboard will handle two sticks of 512 before investing in
them. :cool:


its was stolen when i went to atlanta to watch a nascar
race. when i got home i found my window broken and my
alienware gone.

My dumb fault for puting my computer desk near a damn

My dumb fault for not having an alarm.

My dumb fault for not having a super mean german shepard

I will get those kids with the baggy pants...

Thankfully they didgnt get my computer upstairs in my
room (its not by a window!!!)

-----Original Message-----
wut happened to the alienware?
-----Original Message-----
The 128 MB RAM is probably the key. :cool: Minimal for Windows XP.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Jimmy S. said:
Hi Shamino,

Sorry to hear you're having such problems with XP.

If you want to share more details about your system,
and the exact errors that are occurring, maybe we can
help get you on track. XP is the most stable version
of Windows I have ever used. Let's get you set up! :- )

Jimmy S.

Additional Support Resources: My Zone.com Helpsite: http://nibblesnbits.tk
Microsoft Online Tech Support: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=376
Game FAQ's: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? scid=FH;[LN];gms
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor
I confer any

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