Weird things in Vista and VS 2005


Henry Jones

I am Using Vista with Visual Studio 2005 and when I open a project, it could
take a full minute or two before the "start debugging" button turns green on
the menu. Also, in the Solution Explorer, the buttons for "View Designer",
"View Code", and "Refresh" don't appear. If I am in the designer, I need to
right click on the form and choose view code to see the code.

On my XP machine, everything works just fine. Has this happened to anybody
else out there? I know VS 2005 and Vista have problems and I am guessing
this is one of them?

Happy Holidays to all out there, and the wife is out shopping for a bit so I
can sit here at the computer.



Henry Jones said:
I am Using Vista with Visual Studio 2005 and when I open a project, it
could take a full minute or two before the "start debugging" button
turns green on the menu. Also, in the Solution Explorer, the buttons
for "View Designer", "View Code", and "Refresh" don't appear. If I am
in the designer, I need to right click on the form and choose view code
to see the code.

On my XP machine, everything works just fine. Has this happened to
anybody else out there? I know VS 2005 and Vista have problems and I
am guessing this is one of them?

Happy Holidays to all out there, and the wife is out shopping for a
bit so I can sit here at the computer.


Have you installed SP-1 for Visual Studio? That's the only thing I can
think of that *might* (no promises) help you.

Robin S.

Henry Jones

Yes, I have installed SP-1 for Vista VS 2005. I did that first thing along
with the SQL 2005 Service Pack.


Michael Nemtsev

Hello Henry,

Have u install Vista Upgrade for VS 2005?

HJ> Yes, I have installed SP-1 for Vista VS 2005. I did that first
HJ> thing along with the SQL 2005 Service Pack.
HJ> Henry
Michael Nemtsev [C# MVP] :: blog:

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we
miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it" (c) Michelangelo

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