Website created on Frontpage, crashes IE when web page is displaye



I am not sure if I am in the right place for this question.
If not perhaps you can direct me to the right place to ask.

I use Frontpage 2000 to create and update my website.
Several people say they cannot display my website as it caused their browser
to shut down, or it crashes. All of these incidents are while using internet
explorer. It is not one version, as it happened with IE6.0, 6.5 and 7.0

I researched some information about this problem and all I can find is that
the viewer does not have updated java. I am not sure this is the cause, as
they view many other websites without IE crashing.

So I have come to the conclusion that it is something in my webpage causing
it but I have no clue what the problem is. I am not very good at reading HTML
language yet, and cannot determine the problem from looking at it that way.

Any knowledge about the IE crashing, or suggestions about my webpage would
be greatly appreciated.


Mark Fitzpatrick

Something to keep in mind, most users aren't using Java at all anymore and
most web sites aren't using it either. If you could determine if these users
had Java that would be an assett, but it's hard to say.

The only other thing I can think of is the Word Art. Word Art is a mess
because it uses Vector Markup Language (VML) to generate it's content. I
believe the only browser that can display VML is IE. Even then, Word Art can
lead to some rather ugly issues due to the code it generates. FrontPage
should have the image toolbar turned off by default to help avoid this, but
it's easily enabled by setting custom page authoring settings for browsers.
I can't say that the VML is causing the crashes, but it's a good possibility
since there aren't any javascripts or activex controls or java classes
embedded in the page.

Stefan B Rusynko

Correct your Html
and your css

- don't use negative margins in your styles


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| "Steve Easton" wrote:
| > Can you post a link to the site??
| >
| >
| > >I am not sure if I am in the right place for this question.
| > > If not perhaps you can direct me to the right place to ask.
| > >
| > > I use Frontpage 2000 to create and update my website.
| > > Several people say they cannot display my website as it caused their browser
| > > to shut down, or it crashes. All of these incidents are while using internet
| > > explorer. It is not one version, as it happened with IE6.0, 6.5 and 7.0
| > >
| > > I researched some information about this problem and all I can find is that
| > > the viewer does not have updated java. I am not sure this is the cause, as
| > > they view many other websites without IE crashing.
| > >
| > > So I have come to the conclusion that it is something in my webpage causing
| > > it but I have no clue what the problem is. I am not very good at reading HTML
| > > language yet, and cannot determine the problem from looking at it that way.
| > >
| > > Any knowledge about the IE crashing, or suggestions about my webpage would
| > > be greatly appreciated.
| > >
| > > LindaP
| > >
| >
| >
| >

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