WebBrowser for CE




I'm developing an application which should show HTML inside. I've
downloaded the OpenNETCF SDK but had found that WebBrowser is not
working for that? Is it possible to somehow integrate IE into my
application for the CE platform?

Thank you in advance,

Sergey Bogdanov

You are right, WebBrowser that comes with OpenNETCF SDF is based on
"htmlview.dll" which is not necessary to be. Since CF1.0 does not
support COM interop, to work with COM you need to write shim (wrapper).

I've created for you an example [1] which demonstrates how to integrate
IE into your application. The example also shows you how to capture
events from WebBrowser (by using SendMessage from eVC wrapper and
MessageWindow on another side).

Good luck

[1] http://www.sergeybogdanov.com/Samples/WebBrowserCE.zip


WOOOOOW! Works like a charm. Great job! Thank you very-very-very much,
saved me lots of days.

Thank you again.


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