Webbrowser and images




it seems that webbrowser ignores attributes width/height for <img/>
I've page contains:
<img src="http://someserver/somepicture.jpg" width="216" height="36"
style="border: 0px"/>
on device/emulator with 'low' resolution (240x320) this picture looks
fine. On device/emulator with 'high' resolution (for example emulator
vga 480x640) this picture is rescalled to bigger one, looks terrible
(piksels are visible) and it's too big.
It's webbrowser control from cf .net 2.0
The same situation is if I open this page in PIE.
It's emulator for Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional.
It doesn't matter if I load html directrly to .DocumentText or
do .Navigate() to local/remote html file

Any idea how to fix it? It means - how to create html which is
properly displayed by PIE



it seems that webbrowser ignores attributes width/height for <img/>
I've page contains:
<img src="http://someserver/somepicture.jpg" width="216" height="36"
style="border: 0px"/>
on device/emulator with 'low' resolution (240x320) this picture looks
fine. On device/emulator with 'high' resolution (for example emulator
vga 480x640) this picture is rescalled to bigger one, looks terrible
(piksels are visible) and it's too big.
It's webbrowser control from cf .net 2.0
The same situation is if I open this page in PIE.
It's emulator for Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional.
It doesn't matter if I load html directrly to .DocumentText or
do .Navigate() to local/remote html file

Any idea how to fix it? It means - how to create html which is
properly displayed by PIE

I've found http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd938878.aspx
And checked again... actually width/heigh attributes for <img/> are
somehow recognized but for emulator vga (480x640) still picture is too

This is my sample html:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN" "http://
<meta name="mobileoptimized" content="480" />
<meta name="viewport" content="480, height=640, initial-scale=1.0">
<style type="text/css">body,html{ margin: 0px; padding:0;}
<img style="width: 128px; height: 128px" src="http://
width="128" height="128" style="border: 0px"/></a>

it looks fine on destkop and emulator 240x320. on emulator vga it
looks terrible

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