WebBroswers Control -> History


Jay Brodie

I am trying to find a way to have the webbroswer object in my VC app to NOT
write the browsed sites to the normal history for the deaktop computer.

I have looked all over and cant find anything remotly close to what I need.

Can someone shed some light on this for me? Or am I wasting my time




I am trying to find a way to have the webbroswer object in my VC app to NOT
write the browsed sites to the normal history for the deaktop computer.

I have looked all over and cant find anything remotly close to what I need.

Can someone shed some light on this for me? Or am I wasting my time


If there is no direct way of doing it then try an indirect approach.
Take a copy of the history when your object starts up, then restore
the copy when your object closes down. Any changes made in between
will be wiped.



Hello rossum,

That would also wipe any history items produced via normal browser activity
during the time Jay's app is in operation.


Jay Brodie - www.ssmm.ca

So I guess there is no easy way to be able to isolate this.

Anyone know if there is a way I can just get into the history and delete a
specifc URL excluding any querystring differences on close?

There is really only one URL I hit with it but the querystring values passed
in will change from one to another.


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