way to use find legit emails in a mountain of spam?



Hi, I use SpamFighter to filter spam that comes in. Like most people, I get
a decent amount. About 30 a day. However, I discovered purely by chance that
one legit email was tagged as Spam (be me), and I didn't realize it until I
was just rummaging around the Spam folder.

Now, I'm worried that I might have done this to others. Instead of going
thru the entire folder of spam (about 6000), I was wondering if there was a
tool out there could compare email addresses in my Contacts folder to the
addresses in the Spam folder?


Hi, I use SpamFighter to filter spam that comes in. Like most people, I get
a decent amount. About 30 a day. However, I discovered purely by chance that
one legit email was tagged as Spam (by me), and I didn't realize it until I
was just rummaging around the Spam folder.

Now, I'm worried that I might have done this to others. Instead of going
thru the entire folder of spam (about 6000), I was wondering if there was a
tool out there could compare email addresses in my Contacts folder to the
addresses in the Spam folder?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Question for ya - why are you clogging your email client with 6000 pieces of
spam? They are spam - dump them!

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, hmc asked:

| Hi, I use SpamFighter to filter spam that comes in. Like most people,
| I get a decent amount. About 30 a day. However, I discovered purely
| by chance that one legit email was tagged as Spam (by me), and I
| didn't realize it until I was just rummaging around the Spam folder.
| Now, I'm worried that I might have done this to others. Instead of
| going thru the entire folder of spam (about 6000), I was wondering if
| there was a tool out there could compare email addresses in my
| Contacts folder to the addresses in the Spam folder?

Brian Tillman

Question for ya - why are you clogging your email client with 6000
pieces of spam?

That's the point, now, isn't it? The OP isn't _positive_ that all 6,000
items are SPAM. S/he already made one mistake categorizing a message as
SPAM that should not have been and wants to make sure s/he hasn't done it on


Right you are, Brian. So does anyone know of such a little program? I would
assume it would be pretty easy to make (just comparing email addresses to
the address book), but my searches didn't turn up anything.

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