Waking up an XP2003 server over the Internet



I live abroard and have a XP2003 Server based in my home network 7000
miles away which I occasionally access, therefore the server does not
need to be switched on all the time.

I am trying to use WOL to bring the server out of either Hibination or
standby over the Internet- Has anyone achieved this or is their any
third party software that achieves this?

I have found software that will wake it up at specific times but that
is not what I require , I need to be able to wake it on an ad hoc

My motherboard has WOL in the Bios and it is activated

I have achieved waking up the machine over the network when I had Vista
loaded however Windows 2003 will not wake up

any ideas?


I looked into this a while back, and checked into again recently as I keep a
PC acting as a server on 15 hours a day. Hibernates from 9:00PM to 6:AM.

Seems you'll need a special type of router that can receive a certain data
packet via the internet, which can in turn wake up a PC in hibernation via
the lan.

An alternative appears to be a board you install on a PC where you can turn
the PC on remotely by telephone. It seems in this case, the PC can be off
completely, and you power it up as if you pressed the "on" button.

And if it's just data files you need, another way is to subscribe to a
service like Xdrive, and park files on the internet, and have the advantage
of remote backup already done.

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