W2k and Award BIOS



I like to upgrade a motherboard with an Award BIOS v4.50PG
to a P-166 with 128 MB ram to run W2K. Would that BIOS
works OK with W2K? I have problems getting an BIOS
upgrade. Tx



I use the Award 4.51pg BIOS on my home pc with W2K. The only problem I've
had is that it only recognises hard disks up to 32Gb. As I had a disk of
40Gb I had to use a capacity limiting jumper. That worked.

If you do the same, note that capacity limited disks are not recognised by
the W2K service packs so you will get a blue screen after installing any
service pack. However, there is a simple workaround which just involves
copying a file from the old system to a temporary folder, installing the SP,
booting with an emergency disk, and then replacing the new file that came
with the SP with the old file of the same name. I can't remember the file
name though...check out the Microsoft Knowledge base if you need to do this.


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