VPN Desperate.



Hi All,

I have a big dilema. I have a VPN connection which I use
in order to collect my email, and input my expenses for
work. The VPN client is Cisco Systems VPN Client Version

I configured the client and set up the connection via
broadband. I connected to the network ok but it "dropped
me out" after around a minute. I contacted AOL my ISP,
and they explained that they did not support VPN, and
that I could try to uninstall and reinstall (AOL Ver 9.0)
give that a go. After some soul searching and hair
pulling I decided to got for the Dial up VPN option.

This was setup ok yesterday and I was able to connect and
check my email and submit my expenses. This morning I
logged on to the VPN connection and I am getting the same
problem I was getting under broadband. Error
message...... Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by
the Client. Reason: Failes to establish connection to
your ISP. What baffles me is that yesterday it was hunky
dori, this morning it is not working?

I have Win XP pro as my operating system.

Please could someone help.

Kind Regards

Peter Flint.

Mary Sauer

There are articles that address your issue in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
How to configure a connection to a virtual private network (VPN) in Windows XP
Error Message: VPN Connection Error 800: Unable to Establish Connection
List of Third-Party VPN Clients That Are Blocked From Being Installed on a Windows
XP-Based Computer

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