Vista Windows Update error "Host process for windows services..."



This morning a bubble appeared on my system tray telling me I had 9
new updates for Windows Vista. So I chose to start the Update, but it
stopped almost as quickly as it began. Suddenly, Windows Explorer
slowed. Clicking on the little "+" box next to the folder title
results in the blue "thinking circle" and an hour glass over the
folder icon.

I looked at the update log, but no updates were listed for today. I
checked my update log and found that the problem seemed appear with:

WARNING: AU directive Interactive Progress is exiting due to error

The list of warnings, cautions, and errors, is long. Windows support
didn't have an error "800706BA" listed in the support page of error

Please help!


Opening any Windows application has severely delayed. Windows Update
window opens, and everything but the menu is transparent. After a few
minutes the window becomes white. Then after about 10 minutes, the
screen has finally loaded. Clicking on "Check for Updates" either
results in waiting ten minutes or has no effect.

The same happens with Word, Windows Explorer, just about any Microsoft
program. The dialog box for opening or saving files also freezes. My
printer has stopped sharing as well, and I'm not even sure that I can

My non-Microsoft programs work fine.


I just tried to update. The red window changed to "Windows could not
search for new updates. Error(s) found: Code 80080005."


The article is specific to pre-Vista MS OS. Is Vista built to work
the same way in terms of registry functions?


I tried a system restore, but that didn't help.

I know nothing of system registries and had a bit of a time trying to
comprehend the article regarding editing system registries.

Isn't there just an "Easy" button?

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