I have managed to get my Vista laptop networked to my XP PC and file
sharing etc is working fine...XP is connected to router by cable and
notebook(Vista) wirelessly....Tried to use printer connected to PC from
Vista notebook via network and access forbidden, I have set the printer
be shared and still cant get it right. Printer is a HP deskjet840c. Any
idea what i am doing wrong?
Thanx in advance.
This is an old (but good!) printer and basic drivers are included in
Go to the computer to which the printer is connected. Write down the
computer name which you will get from Control Panel>System>Computer Name.
Now in Control Panel go to Printers. Find the printer in question, right-
click it and then left-click on Properties. Write down the Share Name.
[There should be no spaces in the printer's Share Name. If there are,
the Share Name.] Naturally you must have already set up File/Printer
on all involved computers and shared out the printer.
Now go to the remote computer to which you want to add the printer.
Panel>Printers>Add Printer
Choose Add a local printer. Click on Create a new port. The default in the
drop-down box is Local Port. Do not change that. Click Next. A dialogue
will appear asking for you to enter a port name. Type in the
ex: \\mycomputer\HP840 (this is why you wrote down the computer and
names in the first step)
Click Next. Under the Manufacturers list, select the correct printer
manufacturer and the correct printer model from the Printers List. Under
you want to use this printer as the default printer select "Yes" (if you
do!) and click Next. When asked to print a test page, select "Yes", then