Vista Start button


Tony G

Can the Start button me customised so the when clocking on "All
Programs" it displayes like a drop down menu system so you do't have
to click them... like XP.

I know I can use "Classic" mode but I like the look of Vista but would
like the drop down auto menu in XP / classic.

Having to click seems to me a backward move in this operating


I eat vista

Reposting.. look at the bottom for a possible solution

the new start menu is horrible in that the menus do not cascade.
Cascading menus believe it or not speeds up the finding and launching of
as long as it is tidy and not too big.
Instead of microsoft making a way to keep the menu tidy, perhaps by buying
this person out and making a wizard in vista
They did the unthinkable: the made the start menu collapse upon itself (the
way it is now) forcing you to either lose time clicking on menus to find
what you want, or using the keyboard to search the launch program, something
that many users that are more mouse users absolutly hate.

I wont start about the office toolbars, ribbon.. its one of the stupidest UI
designs I have ever seen. They should have had a fall-back menu
system-toolbar on office2007

I have the plugin too.. but there are thousands upon thousands that
absolutly hate the ribbon with good reason.... its slower to find what you

Of course I have adapted to the new way of the ribbon.. but many people are
not as flexible as I.

Look at Frank for example.. he is not flexible.. he is used to following
blindly whatever MS tells him. He cannot stop and think for himself.. that
would need flexibility that he clearly lacks.

I must add:
why am I complaining about the new vista start menu since there is the
classic menu to fall back on if you want?

1)if you have classic you lose the helpful links and folders the XP menu had
2)Lots of people barley know what they are doing and will not even
understand how to switch styles of menus
3)the classic of vista has sever horrible things
a) when you switch it on, it throws on the desktop various system icons
without asking you
b)It has a stupid BUG: when you place folders or links directly on top of
the programs menu it adds a mysterious folder on the desktop that cannot be
deleted even if you remove the links from the start menu!

Vista should have had 3 menu options. Classic, Xp style, and Vista
crappy style

or better yet there should have never been the vista style at all!


its a 3rd party app.. try it.. I personally prefer native solutions..

but vista is built for monkeys not even for the native primitives/

Nicholas Hall

You could always go back to XP if you do not like vista.

I myself like the way the menu is in vista. I also like the ribbon in office


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