Vista RTM will not shutdown



Hi All,

I recent installed Vista Ultimate (new installation) and I am unable to
perform a shutdown, it restarts instead! Has anyone any ideas?



Muzza said:
Hi All,

I recent installed Vista Ultimate (new installation) and I am unable to
perform a shutdown, it restarts instead! Has anyone any ideas?

Shot in the dark.
Have you checked any BIOS settings that have to do with
startup/shutdown/power management?

Troy McClure

yes, i suspect that the button you THINK is a shutdown button is actually
now the sleep button... and its "restarting" because youre moving the mouse
or something and waking it up. go read about the new power options in
vista... sleep is the default

Mariano Rempel

The "turn off" button from the start menu is actually a Sleep button that
you can customize.

Rex Geissinger

Just as in WinXP goto Control Panel>System>Advanced Settings> on the
advanced tab click the startup and recovery button and uncheck the
"Automatically Restart" box.

Next time you shut down instead of re-starting you will get the BSOD that
will tell you which driver or piece of hardware that is causing the improper

Rex Geissinger


Thanks for your suggestions, however I still have the issue and I was not
clear enough in my first post. When I select shutdown from the menu the PC
does in fact shutdown but restarts again, it is behaving like I selected
restart instead of shutdown. I have checked the bios and the have also
cleared the 'Automatically Restart' in advanced settings to no avail.

It's almost as if there is a sticky flag (like in boot.ini, if there is such
a beast in Vista) from a MSI action or the like.

This PC was previously running XP without any issues.

John Barnes

Just to be more clear, you are referring to the shutdown menu popped up from
the right arrow on the start menu. Most of these problems have had to do
with BIOS settings as previously suggested. Wake on PCI, modem, lan, etc
are very common. One other place you can check is in the Device Manager.
There are a number of places where the wake on setting is available if there
is a power management setting like the modem.


Hi John,

Yes. I am referring to the shutdown popup menu as you mentioned. I have
re-checked the bios settings, there is not much to set in the power section
of the bios:

ACPI = S1 State
Waken on Lan = Stay Off

The board is an Intel D865PERL desktop board, all bios options are set at
the default value apart from PnP OS which I have set to Yes. The bios was
updated prior to the install of Vista, I checked all functionality under XP
before the install and all was okay.

Have also checked the device manager, all devices that have a 'Power
Management' tab have the 'Allow this device to wake the computer' set to
unchecked (off).

Also checked the options in Control Panel - Hardware and Sound- Power
Options, there an no wake up options set there also.


John Barnes

Generally, PnP OS should be set to NO. It is counterintuitive but it is a
setting for older OS's. Also, what is the response from running
powercfg -a from the command prompt. Maybe you will get some clue from
the return. If you still have a problem you might want to run powercfg /?
and look down thru the options You can run some of the options that look
related to your problem.


Thanks for the heads up on powercfg. A powercfg -a reports that only S1
sleep state is supported which is what matches the bios. A
powercfg -lastwake reports a zero wake history, this along with the fact
that the PC does in fact shutdown but restarts with a warm boot suggest that
it's not a power configuration issue, (perhaps).

I'm not quite sure where to head from here, I'll keep researching.


I built a new system with Vista compliant parts and have the exact same
problem. I have gone through all the suggestions w/o resolving the issue. The
mobo manufacturer and Microsoft have not been able to offer any imformation
to help. Can anyone come up wiyh a solution?

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