Vista Retail Shortage?


Chad Harris

Justin you are so on.

I know there will be Vista Ultimate parties from 10PM to 1AM at Best Buys,
and other stores like Comp USA--but the essential ingredient for me is
finding out if they will have open bars with the music. I want you to go to
one near you and also I have a side bet which would involve the loser going
to all the stores in your town and buying up every single left over edition
of Vista? Are you game? LOL

Invitation to the Vista Launch Celebrations


What's the sound of one congressman clapping?

Check out the Louis Libby Trial. It beats mud wrestling and Amature night
at a stripper joint.

Lying Like It's 2003
By Frank Rich
The New York Times
Sunday 21 January 2007

Those who forget history may be doomed to repeat it, but who could
imagine we'd already be in danger of replaying that rotten year 2003?

Scooter Libby, the mastermind behind the White House's bogus scenarios
for ginning up the war in Iraq, is back at Washington's center stage,
proudly defending the indefensible in a perjury trial. Ahmad Chalabi, the
peddler of flawed prewar intelligence hyped by Mr. Libby, is back in clover
in Baghdad, where he purports to lead the government's Shiite-Baathist
reconciliation efforts in between visits to his pal Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in

Last but never least is Mr. Libby's former boss and Mr. Chalabi's former
patron, Dick Cheney, who is back on Sunday-morning television floating
fictions about Iraq and accusing administration critics of aiding Al Qaeda.
When the vice president went on a tear like this in 2003, hawking Iraq's
nonexistent W.M.D. and nonexistent connections to Mohamed Atta, he set the
stage for a war that now kills Iraqi civilians in rising numbers
(34,000-plus last year) that are heading into the genocidal realms of
Saddam. Mr. Cheney's latest sales pitch is for a new plan for "victory"
promising an even bigger bloodbath.

Mr. Cheney was honest, at least, when he said that the White House's
Iraq policy would remain "full speed ahead!" no matter what happened on Nov.
7. Now it is our patriotic duty - politicians, the press and the public
alike - to apply the brakes. Our failure to check the administration when it
rushed into Iraq in 2003 will look even more shameful to history if we roll
over again for a reboot in 2007. For all the belated Washington scrutiny of
the war since the election, and for all the heralded (if so far symbolic)
Congressional efforts to challenge it, too much lip service is still being
paid to the deceptive P.R. strategies used by the administration to sell its
reckless policies. This time we must do what too few did the first time:
call the White House on its lies. Lies should not be confused with
euphemisms like "incompetence" and "denial."

Mr. Cheney's performance last week on "Fox News Sunday" illustrates the
problem; his lying is nowhere near its last throes. Asked by Chris Wallace
about the White House's decision to overrule commanders who recommended
against a troop escalation, the vice president said, "I don't think we've
overruled the commanders." He claimed we've made "enormous progress" in
Iraq. He said the administration is not "embattled." (Well, maybe that one
is denial.)

This White House gang is so practiced in lying with a straight face that
it never thinks twice about recycling its greatest hits. Hours after Mr.
Cheney's Fox interview, President Bush was on "60 Minutes," claiming that
before the war "everybody was wrong on weapons of mass destruction" and that
"the minute we found out" the W.M.D. didn't exist he "was the first to say
so." Everybody, of course, was not wrong on W.M.D., starting with the United
Nations weapons inspection team in Iraq. Nor was Mr. Bush the first to come
clean once the truth became apparent after the invasion. On May 29, 2003 -
two days after a secret Defense Intelligence Agency-sponsored mission found
no biological weapons in trailers captured by American forces - Mr. Bush
declared: "We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological

But that's all W.M.D under the bridge. The most important lies to watch
for now are the new ones being reiterated daily by the administration's top
brass, from Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney on down. You know fiasco awaits America
when everyone in the White House is reading in unison from the same
fictional script, as they did back in the day when "mushroom clouds" and
"uranium from Africa" were the daily drumbeat.

The latest lies are custom-made to prop up the new "way forward" that is
anything but. Among the emerging examples is a rewriting of the history of
Iraq's sectarian violence. The fictional version was initially laid out by
Mr. Bush in his Jan. 10 prime-time speech and has since been repeated on
television by both Mr. Cheney and the national security adviser, Stephen
Hadley, last Sunday and by Mr. Bush again on PBS's "NewsHour" on Tuesday. It
goes like this: sectarian violence didn't start spiraling out of control
until the summer of 2006, after Sunni terrorists bombed the Golden Mosque in
Samarra and forced the Shiites to take revenge.

But as Mark Seibel of McClatchy Newspapers noted last week, "the
president's account understates by at least 15 months when Shiite death
squads began targeting Sunni politicians and clerics." They were visible in
embryo long before that; The Times, among others, reported as far back as
September 2003 that Shiite militias were becoming more radical, dangerous
and anti-American. The reasons Mr. Bush pretends that Shiite killing started
only last year are obvious enough. He wants to duck culpability for failing
to recognize the sectarian violence from the outset - much as he failed to
recognize the Sunni insurgency before it - and to underplay the
intractability of the civil war to which he will now sacrifice fresh
American flesh.

An equally big lie is the administration's constant claim that it is on
the same page as Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki as we go full speed ahead.
Only last month Mr. Maliki told The Wall Street Journal that he wished he
"could be done with" his role as Iraq's leader "before the end of this
term." Now we are asked to believe not merely that he is a strongman capable
of vanquishing the death squads of the anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr,
his political ally, but also that he can be trusted to produce the troops he
failed to supply in last year's failed Baghdad crackdown. Yet as recently as
November, there still wasn't a single Iraqi battalion capable of fighting on
its own.

Hardly a day passes without Mr. Maliki mocking the White House's
professed faith in him. In the past week or so alone, he has presided over a
second botched hanging (despite delaying it for more than two weeks to put
in place new guidelines), charged Condi Rice with giving a "morale boost to
the terrorists" because she criticized him, and overruled American
objections to appoint an obscure commander from deep in Shiite territory to
run the Baghdad "surge." His government doesn't even try to hide its greater
allegiance to Iran. Mr. Maliki's foreign minister has asked for the release
of the five Iranians detained in an American raid on an Iranian office in
northern Iraq this month and, on Monday, called for setting up more Iranian
"consulates" in Iraq.

The president's pretense that Mr. Maliki and his inept, ill-equipped,
militia-infiltrated security forces can advance American interests in this
war is Neville Chamberlain-like in its naiveté and disingenuousness. An
American military official in Baghdad read the writing on the wall to The
Times last week: "We are implementing a strategy to embolden a government
that is actually part of the problem. We are being played like a pawn."
That's why the most destructive lie of all may be the White House's constant
refrain that its doomed strategy is the only one anyone has proposed.
Administration critics, Mr. Cheney said last Sunday, "have absolutely
nothing to offer in its place," as if the Iraq Study Group, John Murtha and
Joseph Biden-Leslie Gelb plans, among others, didn't predate the White
House's own.

In reality we're learning piece by piece that it is the White House that
has no plan. Ms. Rice has now downsized the surge/escalation into an
"augmentation," inadvertently divulging how the Pentagon is improvising,
juggling small deployments in fits and starts. No one can plausibly explain
how a parallel chain of command sending American and Iraqi troops into urban
street combat side by side will work with Iraqis in the lead (it will report
to a "committee" led by Mr. Maliki!). Or how $1 billion in new American
reconstruction spending will accomplish what the $30 billion thrown down the
drain in previous reconstruction spending did not.

All of this replays 2003, when the White House refused to consider any
plan, including existing ones in the Pentagon and State Department
bureaucracies, for coping with a broken post-Saddam Iraq. Then, as at every
stage of the war since, the only administration plan was for a propaganda
campaign to bamboozle American voters into believing "victory" was just
around the corner.

The next push on the "way forward" propaganda campaign arrives Tuesday
night, with the State of the Union address. The good news is that the
Democrats have chosen Jim Webb, the new Virginia senator, to give their
official response. Mr. Webb, a Reagan administration Navy secretary and the
father of a son serving in Iraq, has already provoked a testy exchange about
the war with the president at a White House reception for freshmen in
Congress. He's the kind of guy likely to keep a scorecard of the lies on
Tuesday night. But whether he does or not, it's incumbent on all those
talking heads who fell for "shock and awe" and "Mission Accomplished" in
2003 to not let history repeat itself in 2007. Facing the truth is the only
way forward in Iraq.

Chad Harris

I was serious about the parties at the stores in the US--normally Best Buys
closes at 9PM--so it will be interesting to know if these stores sell
significant hardware that night/morning on the 29th and 30th. Amazon isn't
going to have a band and prizes lol.

I really don't know exactly how the packaging will be but I think I have
it--one DVD in every edition but Ultimate--you have to send for the X64 in

All the cities have a pro football team, lol, but not all of them have a
coach right now and I believe the ones that don't might be getting a coach
who was fired after he said he wanted to coach at the University of
Washington--maybe so he could be closer to the Vista coders. That's called
Right click>move.

The NFL, Fox Sports, and two major retail chains are partners. Win Superbowl
tickets, etc.



I'm impartial. I've already ordered my copy. A friend tried to hit that
site (I gave him the link) and it was cut off. I found that rather odd. A
DVD shortage? Wow! I figured MS could have churned out more then enough.

It will certainly be interesting to see what happens.

A few questions pop to mind. If Vista sells out then which is true?

1. Vista is worthy of "positive" attention. Vista is in fact, "All That".
2. All salesman/women are duping people into believing Vista is what they
3. All Windows users are stupid for massing buying this product after all
the warnings of the trolls in this NG.

Colin Barnhorst

The night Win98 went on sale my local CompUSA was jammed. Folks were
filling up shopping carts with new computer hardware and spending thousands.
I was completely out of place bopping in for my measely Win98 box.

Nina DiBoy

Justin said:
I'm impartial. I've already ordered my copy. A friend tried to hit
that site (I gave him the link) and it was cut off. I found that rather
odd. A DVD shortage? Wow! I figured MS could have churned out more
then enough.

It will certainly be interesting to see what happens.

A few questions pop to mind. If Vista sells out then which is true?

1. Vista is worthy of "positive" attention. Vista is in fact, "All That".

Some think so.
2. All salesman/women are duping people into believing Vista is what
they want.

Which salespeople?
3. All Windows users are stupid for massing buying this product after
all the warnings of the trolls in this NG.

LOL, could be.

What if the release of Vista has xbox syndrome? (make much less supply
than there is demand for)...

Priceless quotes in group:

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot


I can only speak for my area however Vista Ultimate was completely sold out!
Home Premium as well. To this date you can't find Ultimate anywhere around
my county.

Chad Harris

Interesting. I bet they get them soon. Try the next county. Currently
there are 39, 000 sales outlets for Visduh in the US of Duh the country who
can't even debate Iraq and whose VP tried to chicken out in testifying in
court this morning. If I were the prosecution I'd subpoena him to put the
nail in the coffin and let him purjure himself.

Microsoft's Vista Debut Wasn't Nearly So 'Wow' (sic VISDUH)

February 5, 2007
Microsoft's Vista Debut Wasn't Nearly So 'Wow'
Television commercials for Microsoft's new Vista operating system show a
spaceship taking off, a reindeer appearing in the middle of a suburban
neighborhood and a man holding a piece of the Berlin wall.

"Every so often you experience something so new, so delightfully unexpected,
that there's only one word for it: Wow," a voice-over says.

But there weren't many people saying "Wow" about Microsoft's marketing last
week. Despite reportedly committing close to $500 million on its Vista
marketing worldwide, Microsoft did not generate nearly the excitement last
week as it did 12 years ago when the company introduced its 1995 operating
system with rock singers and a Super Bowl tie-in.

This time around, Microsoft focused much more of its efforts on an outlet
that was less common in 1995: the Internet. And, now that computers are
integrated in most people's lives, Microsoft sought to relay the product
details of Vista rather than the "high concepts" of 1995, said J. B.
Williams, general manager of global communications for Windows.

"The assignment in '95 was that we had to convince people the PC mattered
and it was going to be part of their life," Mr. Williams said. "Now people
are doing this. They're living this digital lifestyle today already."

Offline, however, the product introduction may have stumbled in trying to
generate excitement with midnight store openings for Vista. Recently, the
introduction of game consoles like Nintendo Wii and Sony PlayStation 3 drew
crowds to stores for a day or more before the consoles went on sale. But
within 40 minutes of selling Vista for the first time, CompUSA on Fifth
Avenue in New York already saw its line wane to a trickle.

Long lines for new products can have a positive effect on sales by
generating news coverage that persuades consumers that they, too, should
rush out to buy something. Consumers are more likely to buy based on product
mentions in news content than on advertising, said Steven J. Farella,
president and chief executive of TargetCast, an ad agency in New York.

Many marketers have bolstered their public relations efforts in recent years
and replaced some of their traditional advertising with events or stunts
that the press is likely to cover, like Bill Gates's appearance on Comedy
Central's "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart." This reflects a shift in
mentality from a top-down approach to a groundswell strategy, Mr. Farella

This time around, Microsoft also faced consumers who spend their free time
with a vastly different array of media and entertainment devices.

"It's harder to get people's attention now because of media fragmentation
and audience distraction, and it's easier for people to ignore you," said
Chuck Porter, the chairman of Crispin Porter + Bogusky. "Mass media to a
degree doesn't exist anymore."

Mr. Porter said many advertisers now focus on finding prime customers rather
than blitzing all consumers.

In the online aspects of its campaign, Microsoft took a narrow approach. The
company focused on three groups of Internet users with different interactive

For young consumers who like to spend time on social networking sites, Vista
introduced a Web site featuring the comedian Demetri Martin. Young people
online did take a liking to Mr. Martin - his page lists more
than 80,000 friends. Microsoft also sponsored a tour for Mr. Martin and a
special on Comedy Central.

For more technically minded consumers, Microsoft created a puzzle game
called Vanishing Point with online and offline events and clues; 90,000
people played the game, Mr. Williams of Microsoft said.

For a broader audience, Microsoft created a site for people to post photos
and videos of amazing moments - or as Microsoft called it, "Wow" moments.
About 20,000 people did so.

Retail analysts said they were not worried about Vista sales in the long
run, despite the lack of apparent excitement. For one, they said, Vista is
available in large quantities whereas the sought-out game consoles were
produced in limited supply.

Also, Vista was available at 39,000 store locations last Tuesday, while
Windows 95 was introduced at far fewer stores, which made crowds at any
given location bigger, said Christopher Swenson, director of software and
industry analysis for the NPD Group.

Mr. Swenson also said that thousands of people ordered Vista through Amazon.

"People can get it overnighted to them and delivered to their office," Mr.
Swenson said. "Why would anybody go out in the freezing cold to a retailer?"


Chad, you are very verbose in this newsgroup, and sometimes you have
something worth reading. Please refrain from the politics though, as well
as the war, so that I don't have to plunk you. This is not the forum for
politics, thank you.


I decided to hold my tongue but...yeah.

Chuck said:
Chad, you are very verbose in this newsgroup, and sometimes you have
something worth reading. Please refrain from the politics though, as well
as the war, so that I don't have to plunk you. This is not the forum for
politics, thank you.

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