I have a new Dell E520 with Vista Home Premium and 119Gb spare space. I also
have a Dell Office SBE2003 that I can't install. I also have MS works8.5
installed. My Vista account is an administrator account. I always get the
same error maessage. So i copied the CD to the HDD and changed the
properties of the setup to alway run as admin and I alos tried to run in
compatibility mode. The error message is as follows in one of the box
thingies with a yellow triangle and exclamation mark;
Error 1404. Setup cannot delete the registry key \software\classes\.tif.
Verify that you have sufficent permissions to access the registry or contact
your computer manufacturers produce support for assistance. I then have a
choice of Cancel retry or ignore.
If I ignore then I get the same for .csv then .pps, then .scd, then .sch
then install carries on until nearly the end when I get a new error message
Error 1310. Error writing to file: C:\Program Files\Mozilla
Firefox\plugins\NPOFFICE.DLL. Verify you have access to that directory.
Click Ignore and then I get a new error message
Error1406. Setup cannot delete the registry key \software\classes\.csv rify
that you have sufficent permissions to access the registry or contact your
computer manufacturers produce support for assistance. I then have a choice
of Cancel retry or ignore. and another trillion messages for various
I used the online chat to speak to Dell and was told that Office 2003 is not
supported on Vista and will not work. So wharer do I go from here, hoping
someone here can help me. I remove office 07 from my company laptop with
vista business on it and it installed fine on there. I have removed it now
and put 07 back on.
Any help would bre gratly appreciated guys
have a Dell Office SBE2003 that I can't install. I also have MS works8.5
installed. My Vista account is an administrator account. I always get the
same error maessage. So i copied the CD to the HDD and changed the
properties of the setup to alway run as admin and I alos tried to run in
compatibility mode. The error message is as follows in one of the box
thingies with a yellow triangle and exclamation mark;
Error 1404. Setup cannot delete the registry key \software\classes\.tif.
Verify that you have sufficent permissions to access the registry or contact
your computer manufacturers produce support for assistance. I then have a
choice of Cancel retry or ignore.
If I ignore then I get the same for .csv then .pps, then .scd, then .sch
then install carries on until nearly the end when I get a new error message
Error 1310. Error writing to file: C:\Program Files\Mozilla
Firefox\plugins\NPOFFICE.DLL. Verify you have access to that directory.
Click Ignore and then I get a new error message
Error1406. Setup cannot delete the registry key \software\classes\.csv rify
that you have sufficent permissions to access the registry or contact your
computer manufacturers produce support for assistance. I then have a choice
of Cancel retry or ignore. and another trillion messages for various
I used the online chat to speak to Dell and was told that Office 2003 is not
supported on Vista and will not work. So wharer do I go from here, hoping
someone here can help me. I remove office 07 from my company laptop with
vista business on it and it installed fine on there. I have removed it now
and put 07 back on.
Any help would bre gratly appreciated guys