Vista annoyance# 467684 (versus WindowsXP)


Rainald Taesler

Mark said:
I will try to force OE to work on Win7. I've done things others
claimed tobe "impossible".

To get OE going under Vista really is impossible.
And IMHO there would not be any use in trying the impossible.
WinMail for sure has gained and is the better version.
i was happy with OE.

Me too.
But I'm better off with WinMail.
Simple yet functional, i am not attracted to
shiny objects tha tVista and Live applications are

You are mixing things!
Vista has nothing to do with with "Windows Live Mail" (WLM) which I for
one do not like at all.


Rainald Taesler

PA said:
Notepad Format | Word wrap <=uncheck

It works for me with word wrap *activated*.
And IMHO notepad would be hardly usable for composing longer text (as
needed for mail) with word wrap being de-activated.



Then where I said "related to your OE setup" I would mean to say also
related to your WinMail setup. The OP said they were having a problem with
WinMail adding line breaks where OE did not. I said my OE is adding those
line breaks when I try to read messages back in after they're posted. If OE
can cause that same problem and OE can fix it, there should be a similar
option to fix WinMail.


So your Vista eats too much memory, or the programs you're running on it eat
too much memory?
I'm running Vista Premium with the Aero theme on a core duo machine with 4
GB RAM and I haven't seen any memory problems.
What version Vista are you running?
What sort of programs are you running that eat so much memory? Have you
seen these programs run on the same or similar machine using much less
memory with a different OS?
Have you tried dumbing it down any? If you want to run a bunch of intensive
programs at once, turning off options like Aero can be very helpful.

Rainald Taesler

Eric said:
Then where I said "related to your OE setup" I would mean to say also
related to your WinMail setup. The OP said they were having a
problem with WinMail adding line breaks where OE did not. I said my
OE is adding those line breaks when I try to read messages back in
after they're posted. If OE can cause that same problem and OE can
fix it, there should be a similar option to fix WinMail.

This IMHO is a wrong conclusion.
Although there are quite similarities, WinMail is that different from OE
that a fix for OE will not work for WinMail too.


Sam Hobbs

I read all the messages in this thread and I still am not sure what you are
doing. I assume you are using plain-text format for your messages.

I know for sure that when I used plain-text format with OE, when I wrote
paragraphs, each line of each paragraph filled the available horizontal
space; there was no automatic word wrapping. When I saved a message as a
draft and then re-opened it, the lines would have line breaks added. I
assume that the line breaks were added to make each a line a maximum of 78
characters (80 characters minus 2 for the carriage return and line feed).
All that is totally consistent with the standard; see RFC 2822, the standard
for the "Internet Message Format", which says:

"Each line of characters MUST be no more than 998 characters, and SHOULD be
no more than 78 characters, excluding the CRLF."

I know for sure that OE inserted line breaks into plain-text format
messages. It did not do it during composition but it did when the message
was sent.

Gary VanderMolen

Like OE, WM inserts line breaks when you send, in accordance with
your line length setting under Tools, Options, Send, Plain Text Settings,
"Automatically wrap text at xx characters when sending".

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