Vista and Outlook Migration



Good day. I recently bought a Vista (HB) machine so I could learn Vista.
Two days later, my XP machine died and System Recovery did not recover it
(chkdsk /r).

Good timing! So I moved everything over to the Vista machine as I had done
before between XP machines. (By plugging in the old hard drive to a SATA to
USB cable)

My Outlook PST file was moved and all seemed to be working perfectly ..
until I went to New Email and clicked on the 'To' box to bring up my

I get this message (truncated): "This address list could not be displayed.
The Contacts Folder associated with this addrss list could not be opened; it
may have been moved or deleted, or you do not have permissions."

As I have said, I have copied and pasted PSTs between computers MANY times
w/o situations, but this is odd. I spent an hour last night trying to trick
the computer by making CSVs, importing and exporting between email programs,
and no changes. My entire contacts list is there and useable, but not in
adddress book form. And as I send emails or reply to some, they are not
added to the address book .. in fact, it appears as though I do not even HAVE
an address book. :(

How do I get my address book populated and useable again?????

Thank you for your help.

Don in Tucson



You don't mention the version of Office you are using but perhaps this may
help. I remember in older versions you had to explicitly go to the Contacts
folder, right-click, choose Properties, and go to the Outlook Address Book
tab. There make sure there is a check mark in "Show this folder as an e-mail
Address Book" (or something like that).

Or perhaps you were using a PAB (Personal Address Book) and just need to
copy that file over?



Thank you for your help. I am using 2003. Ultimately, I was able to achieve
this through selection as you mentioned in your post, although I got there in
a different manner. (I would post that for other users, but I cannot
remember how I did it, exactly).

Thank you for your time & answer.

Don in Tucson

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