Vista and Office Communicator 2005 (Alternatives)




We are currently moving employees over to Vista via our virtualization
project. I have an actual vista box set up for testing software our
company uses. I installed Office Communicator 2005 with all the
latest hotfixes from microsoft. Our setup for Microsofts SIP version
is as follows:

login: (e-mail address removed)
Port: 5060 (live com 2005 sp1 server)
Server Name: (the server is not the same server that
contains the direct hit for it is the exchange server.

I can get OC 2005 to connect, my friends list populates, and everyone
shows as "Status Unknown" I can send messages to them and they can
see me. Is there a way to fix this or is there any alternative to OC
2005 that I can use temporarily till Microsoft releases a good working

It is a shame they do not have anything that works for corporations
that rely on this and are going to start making changes.

Any help is appreciated. Remember all hotfixes have been applied.


Don't know if you have a resolution but I found two things that helped get
Communicator 2005 + Vista running in our office. I found this solution when
I googled for info, importing the communicator reg key from XP OS into Vista
fixed our error (here's the link: and one of my
developers found that the Norton Personal Firewall settings were causing a
problem with him so he changed the settings to allow Communicator 2005 access
and was able to sign in. Like you, we do not want to use the Beta version at
this time. Not sure if one of these ideas might help you out.

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