vista 50% slower than XP on same machine...

  • Thread starter vista terminal ator
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vista terminal ator said:
and none of them are lite.. lol not with all the feature installed that

Nope they can be quite large, depends how you install them though. Standard
installs have been geared to noobs and tend to give you a heck of a lot that
you probably don't need, although they do run well. I tend to do minimal
install and put the stuff I want on afterwards to get a really quick

Thats the great thing about it, actually being in full control. Oh and the
fact that when you want to change configuration you can just edit a file,
rather than be asked again and again are you sure you want to do this.


* Lang Murphy:
I suppose that would be extremely frustrating. That said, Vista works as
fast on most tasks here than XP, and is some cases faster. If your system is
running half as fast with Vista than with XP, then one can only assume that
your system doesn't have the juice to run Vista or you've got software, like
AV, running on Vista that is sucking up system resources. Without knowing
the specifics of your system, though, it's impossible to offer any

"Vista works as fast on most tasks here than XP, and is some cases faster."


Your statement above really says it all, and is my biggest complaint
about Vista. After more than 5 years, a supposed $6 billion spent, and
more powerful computers- we get an OS that performs "as fast on most
tasks than XP" and in "some cases faster". So, Vista's performance is
mostly about equal to that of XP, except there are times when it's not,
and then there are a few times when Vista might be faster. That basically
sums it all up.



I spent $30,000 renovating my house.
Guess what?
Its still just a house.
It looks prettier though.

Mike Hall - MVP

Surely an OS is not so much about speed as overall capability, security

* Lang Murphy:

"Vista works as fast on most tasks here than XP, and is some cases


Your statement above really says it all, and is my biggest complaint
about Vista. After more than 5 years, a supposed $6 billion spent, and
more powerful computers- we get an OS that performs "as fast on most
tasks than XP" and in "some cases faster". So, Vista's performance is
mostly about equal to that of XP, except there are times when it's not,
and then there are a few times when Vista might be faster. That basically
sums it all up.



Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User

Charlie Tame

Hertz_Donut said:
Then you have issues with your installation or hardware.

I am dual booting on 3 different computers...2 desktops and a laptop.
On all three computers, Vista is faster than XP.


More likely your XP installs have issues.

If, as is claimed, Vista is so good, what do you need to go to the
trouble of dual booting for.


well that is not really true
I have bought so far for clients 10 vista computers, all vista home premium,
combination of laptops and desktops, all brand new with 2 gigs of ram and
160gig hds, and ALL of them on boot up and shut down run MUCH slower than XP
The only thing I will grant you is when Vista finally shows the desktop and
everything loads, when you open programs- there it is faster that xp

btw I took all the craplets off the new computers and the only thing loading
in start up are the necessary programs that vista needs to run.



Lots of reasons he might be dualbooting. XP is fun. A software developer
might need to test on XP. Someone designing websites will want to test on XP
and so on. Many many reasons to dual and even multi-boot.


vista terminal ator

WinXP, likewise, has limitations on what it can do on >today's hardware, so
in some cases it's quite possible that Vista can manage it >better.

what crap is this??

there is nothing vista can take advantage of that XP cannot!

Misleading information or delusions just to make yourself feel good about


Robinb said:
btw I took all the craplets off the new computers and the only thing
loading in start up are the necessary programs that vista needs to run.


Ha ha - yup .. I even went further with my new laptop. I downloaded the
hardware drivers off the Acer website then I blanked it's harddrive [even
the recovery partition] and installed a generic copy of Vista - I'm much
happier with it now. Boots quickly enough for a laptop and runs as near
flawlessly as I could expect from a computer.

The 2nd and 3rd party stuff is so invasive .. getting into the the workings
of Windows Explorer, clogging the boot process, running "monitoring" here
there and everywhere. No wonder people claim Vista is 'slow' .. only it's
not Vista that's slowing things down - it's software from Acer - HP -
Compaq - Toshiba - Lenovo and so on ...



It's about all those things, Mike.

What are Vista's overall capabilities compared to XP?
Are they really different or better?
Security? My XP machines were/are secure. I still have two
XP virtual machines.
I still use an AV, anti-spyware and a firewall with Vista.
I still see security patches being issued for Vista.
UAC? You mean that annoying nanny that many users
will just turn off?

All of it seems so same old, same old.

However, I guess all those things are to be expected.
So, since we can't seem to get past these "that's just the
way it has been and will be"- an OS should at least do
something much better than its predecessor- impress me,
make it faster. For the most part, I'm not impressed.


* Mike Hall - MVP:


* Charlie Tame:
More likely your XP installs have issues.

If, as is claimed, Vista is so good, what do you need to go to the
trouble of dual booting for.

If he's being honest, then more than likely- he has three XP installs
that are several years old, with numerous programs installed.
His Vista installs are new and clean. Clean install XP, many folks
may feel like they have a new/faster machine, too.

- Michael

Charlie Tame

* Lang Murphy:

"Vista works as fast on most tasks here than XP, and is some cases faster."


Your statement above really says it all, and is my biggest complaint
about Vista. After more than 5 years, a supposed $6 billion spent, and
more powerful computers- we get an OS that performs "as fast on most
tasks than XP" and in "some cases faster". So, Vista's performance is
mostly about equal to that of XP, except there are times when it's not,
and then there are a few times when Vista might be faster. That basically
sums it all up.


Well, take a collection of files (something like MP3) and try drag and
drop copying them to another folder or network location, My experience
is this will take maybe an hour and when you go back to look it's quit
on some file or other, so you either have to manually check what's been
copied and sort it out yourself or else remove the offending file and do
the whole thing again.

This is true of XP and Vista in any combination.

Do the same between any two versions of Linux (Have tried quite a few)
and guess what, it all gets copied and takes < half the time, across a
network or not. I've done it enough times now that there does seem to be
a clear pattern, it's not just a few "Bad files".

So, given that an OS does not know what it's copying so there's no
reason for it not to like the tunes or whatever, one has to question why
the MS systems fall on their ass and Linux apparently does not.

Considering that moving data is a fundamental requirement for any OS
this seems odd.

Vista drag and drop sure "Looks" prettier, but come on, looks are not

IMHO the cosmetic changes in Vista simply work to give the impression
that it is not "Same old same old" when in fact if one looks a bit
deeper it really is, and many of the bits that do appear to have at
least been re-written appear to have problems.

I had never bothered to look elsewhere for either email, newsgroups or
an OS but when circumstances make one look and one finds better
alternatives for so many functions guess what...

The biggest danger to MS that I see on the horizon is that while Linux
is a collection of different bits from different groups many
distributions are getting to "Feel" a lot more integrated while the
"Windows" product like is going the other way.

I don't think this is Microsoft's fault, I think the original PC
architecture has influenced it and the desire to provide backward
"Compatibility" has influenced it but it's not something MS can simply

Add to this the risk which is now apparent that due to some fault or
other MS can potentially shut down half the country at a stroke and the
advertised or implied ability for your PC to be a centerpiece for
entertainment etc being compromised by such as DRM there are some very
logical reasons for not wanting all your eggs in one basket.

Charlie Tame

Hmm, well you better tell that to some here who claim Vista is good for
"Everything" then.

Charlie Tame

* Charlie Tame:

If he's being honest, then more than likely- he has three XP installs
that are several years old, with numerous programs installed.
His Vista installs are new and clean. Clean install XP, many folks
may feel like they have a new/faster machine, too.

- Michael

Right, it is quite hard to keep any install "Clean".


Well, take a collection of files (something like MP3) and try drag and
drop copying them to another folder or network location, My experience
is this will take maybe an hour and when you go back to look it's quit
on some file or other, so you either have to manually check what's been
copied and sort it out yourself or else remove the offending file and do
the whole thing again.

This is true of XP and Vista in any combination.

I have a gigabit network and SATA-II drives. When I am copying from XP to
XP or from Vista to Vista or from Vista to XP, I get about 300 m-bits per
second transfer rates across the network; about half the speed as I get from
SATA drive to SATA drive. The problem here is not Vista, it's the
motherboard, processor and system busses. And I am running a dual quad-core
Xeon Intel server board with Vista Ultimate X64.

As strange as it seems to many of us who have been around since 4.77 MHZ
processors, hard drives are no longer the bottleneck. Motherboards and
chipsets are the bottleneck now.

Another bottleneck I discovered on my gigabit network was the network
cables. I had to order about 4 CAT-6 cables for each PC and swap them
around until I got the best network transfer rates. Some certified CAT-6
cables would not connect at 1-gbps at all, and of those that would connect
at 1-gbps, I got differing results in transfer tests.


Mike Hall - MVP

Darling, as search 'of' suggests searching one topic where a search 'on'
suggests seeing what appears.. I could be wrong, but is how I have always
understood it..

Sauternes is actually the correct spelling for the dessert wine produced in
Sauternais (Grave area of Bordeaux).. Sauterne is a derogatory US term for
cheap plonk..

ILD iue DL
* Lang Murphy:

"Vista works as fast on most tasks here than XP, and is some cases


Your statement above really says it all, and is my biggest complaint
about Vista. After more than 5 years, a supposed $6 billion spent, and
more powerful computers- we get an OS that performs "as fast on most
tasks than XP" and in "some cases faster". So, Vista's performance is
mostly about equal to that of XP, except there are times when it's not,
and then there are a few times when Vista might be faster. That basically
sums it all up.



Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User

Mike Hall - MVP

Apologies for the last post to you.. it should have been directed to another
group entirely.. :)

* Lang Murphy:

"Vista works as fast on most tasks here than XP, and is some cases


Your statement above really says it all, and is my biggest complaint
about Vista. After more than 5 years, a supposed $6 billion spent, and
more powerful computers- we get an OS that performs "as fast on most
tasks than XP" and in "some cases faster". So, Vista's performance is
mostly about equal to that of XP, except there are times when it's not,
and then there are a few times when Vista might be faster. That basically
sums it all up.



Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User

John Barnes

Startup same machine XP86 45 seconds XP64 36 seconds Vista32 38 seconds
Vista64 50 seconds Both XP are Pro, both Vista are Ultimate
Pretty much same programs in startup, but counting only from OS selection to
Desktop w/icons Not waiting for balance of programs to load. Shutdown
seems about the same with all, though I haven't timed them as I don't
usually wait for it anyway.

John Barnes

Kind of an uninformed irrelevant comment

Charlie Tame said:
More likely your XP installs have issues.

If, as is claimed, Vista is so good, what do you need to go to the
trouble of dual booting for.

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