Vista 32 and ram?



I have 2 gigs of DDR2 in my PC now. I have read that not only does Vista 32
not see 4 gigs it even causes trouble in some set-ups (for the moment at

I am thinking of adding another gig of ram as 2 X 512. What are the pros
and cons of this (other than just cost, which is minimal)?

Thank you for any and all help.


I have 3gb Ram and to me it seems to be the sweet spot, set Vista to monitor
your virtual memory.
I also have 2gb Readyboost, and all goes like a charm.

John Barnes

Just make sure they are a match with your current ram for Voltage and
Latency. Are you sure you need more memory? Check your Reliability and
Performance Monitor and see if you are using a large %. 2 gig is very
sufficient unless you are running really heavy duty programs. I have found
that the processor speed is FAR more important in running Vista.


If I am notebook user, what CPU is good for Vista if have 2GB of RAM?

Do T7100 is enough?

I run Adobe CS3, Gameing etc ...

Thank you.



Thank you of your kindly response, I will choose the T7100 CPU. Save the
money to buy the Vista Home Premiere.


I play online games and they work better with more ram. Vanguard hits 75%
or more often according my G15 keyboard.

John Barnes

Some games and photo processing do consume more ram and you indeed may need
more than 2 gig. If so, and you want the best performance remember that
latency is very important. While you won't get better results now, if you
get low latency ram now, you can later replace the current ram with a low
latency set. Also you should have the highest bandwidth that your FSB will

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